Freshworks Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Effective Date April 12, 2021

This statement is issued on behalf of Freshworks Inc. under section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act's 'transparency requirement'. References to "Freshworks", "we", "us" or "our" in this statement include Freshworks Inc. along with its subsidiaries.

This statement sets out how Freshworks seeks to ensure that its operations and its supply chains are kept free of slavery and human trafficking ("Modern Slavery").


Freshworks provides intelligent customer engagement software for businesses of all sizes, making it easy for teams to win customers for life. Freshworks Saas products are ready to go, easy to use and offer quick return on investment.

Headquartered in San Mateo, California, Frashworks has a dedicated team operating from 13 global locations, including in the United Kingdom, to serve customers throughout the world. For more information visit


Typically, our major suppliers fall into one of the broad categories outlined below:

  • hosting services providers who host our data and our customers' data processed in our 'SaaS' offerings;

  • third party licensors of software that we resell with, or embed or incorporate into, our own products and services; and

  • office equipment suppliers.


As noted above, Freshworks is a Saas company. Accordingly, we do not "manufacture" our products and services, at least not in the traditional meaning of that word (i.e., through the use of workers and machines in factories). Nor do we directly engage third parties to perform any such manufacturing on our behalf.

Having taken the time to consider the nature of our operations and our supply chains, we consider the Modern Slavery risk they present to be low.


Despite our assessment that the Modern Slavery risk presented by our operations and supply chains is low, we are committed in our absolute opposition to Modern Slavery.

Freshworks has an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy (the "Policy"). As part of this Policy, we commit to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, including ensuring that we and our business partners do not engage in any Modern Slavery. Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy applies to all personnel working directly for Freshworks.


We provide regular training to our personnel on all of our policies and we make all of our policies readily available to our personnel, in each case including the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

Personnel are (i) required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of our Anti­ Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and to report any breach that has occurred, or is suspected or likely to occur, and (ii) encouraged to raise concerns about any suspicion of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains, in each case with their manager, the legal team, or via a reporting hotline which allows personnel to submit concerns on an anonymous basis to the full extent permitted by law, if they so choose.


Due to the low risk of Modern Slavery being present in our supply chains, we have not established active systems to perform diligence on our suppliers to mitigate against the risk.

We feel it is appropriate that we rely on contractual protections in our agreements with our vendors to protect against the risk of Modern Slavery existing in our supply chains. We have commitments in our standard-form contractual documentation for vendors, which provide that our vendors do not, have not, and will not, engage in Modern Slavery.


During the coming financial year, we will:

  • continue our staff training programme as described above;

  • continue to include the anti-Modern Slavery contractual commitments referred to above in our vendor contracts;

  • continue to take steps where possible to ensure our operations and supply chains remain Modern Slavery-free; and

  • monitor and review our assessment of the Modern Slavery risks our operations and supply chains present.


This statement has been prepared and published on behalf of Freshworks Inc. pursuant to section 54(1) of the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 in respect of the financial year ending December 31, 2020.

Please refer to the document here.