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Aquera for Freshservice

Provision Freshservice users from identity management platforms or sync from HR apps or directories
Published by Aquera(about over 5 years ago)
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OverviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
The Aquera User Provisioning and Governance Bridge enables both identity governance and administration (IGA) and identity access management (IAM) platforms to manage the lifecycle of Freshservice user accounts by automatically creating, updating, and deactivating user accounts. Additionally and specifically for IGAs, the solution retrieves information about user entitlements from Freshservice and imports that information into the IGA platform. The Aquera User Provisioning and Governance Bridge for Freshservice works with any IGA or IAM that supports the SCIM protocol. If no identity platform is in use, the solution can also sync users directly from HR systems or directories into Freshservice. Top 3 Features: Automation of manual processes Immediate account deactivation for security Real-time governance of entitlements

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Data management & Analytics

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Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

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The configuration guide provides step by step process to understand and configure the connector. The interface is intuitive and is complete within a few minutes. The guide is available in the customer's tenant of Aquera. Configuration Guide:

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Data management & Analytics

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Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

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The information listed below is provided by the App Developer Partner pertaining to the data privacy policies of the latest app version available on the Freshworks Marketplace. The App Developer Partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
What is End-User data?
Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Data Management and Storage
Does your app use AI or GenAI features?
Does your app use "Freshworks AI powered features or Freddy AI" and comply with Freshworks AI powered features and Freddy AI terms?
Does your app collect / process any End-User data?
Does your app store any End-User data?
Does your app share End-User Data with any third party entities?
Does your app transfer European Economic Area (EEA) residents’s End-User Data outside of the EEA?
Can the End-User data be exported?
Can End-User data be accessed through your app logs?
Is the End-User data encrypted at rest?
Is the End-User data encrypted in transit?
Does your app adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standard?
Does your app permanently delete the customer data as soon as the customer uninstalls the app?
Does your app allow customers to request a custom End-User Data retention period?
For more information related to privacy and security, reach out to developer support

App Details

Data management & Analytics

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

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