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ARIS Process Mining

Understand your service process like never before with ARIS Process Mining
Published by Softwareag(about almost 2 years ago)
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OverviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
Get a 360-degree view of your service management practice. ARIS Process Mining software lets you understand your service management process flow to find patterns, anomalies, and opportunities for improvement. Explore ARIS Process Mining and learn how to:  Discover your process reality - Visualize and analyze your end-to-end process from any angle  Spot bottlenecks and improvement opportunities  Deviations in processes - Gain visibility into all process execution variants  Process conformance checking - Analyze and compare the discovered processes’ conformance to a reference process Explore our pricing page to choose the offering that best suits you.

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsIT Service Management

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

Explore our pricing page to choose the offering that best suits you. Basic: Free forever edition Advanced: Start your continuous process mining journey Enterprise: Our best and most comprehensive edition

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsIT Service Management

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

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Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Data Management and Storage
Does your app use AI or GenAI features?
Does your app use "Freshworks AI powered features or Freddy AI" and comply with Freshworks AI powered features and Freddy AI terms?
Does your app collect / process any End-User data?
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Does your app transfer European Economic Area (EEA) residents’s End-User Data outside of the EEA?
Can the End-User data be exported?
Can End-User data be accessed through your app logs?
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Is the End-User data encrypted in transit?
Does your app adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standard?
Does your app permanently delete the customer data as soon as the customer uninstalls the app?
Does your app allow customers to request a custom End-User Data retention period?
For more information related to privacy and security, reach out to developer support

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsIT Service Management

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

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