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Auto Ticket Merger

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This app automatically merges tickets created by the same customer during a certain time span.
Published by freshworks(about 5 months ago)
4.2 (70)
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This app brings a much-needed functionality where if the same customer raises two or more tickets in a short time span (you can set a time span of your choice), the tickets following the first one will all automatically merge with the first ticket. (All the other tickets except the first one will get automatically marked as 'Closed') Use case: If an e-commerce purchase fails, sometimes customers raise one ticket after another in short spans of time. This app will automatically merge all tickets into one as long as they are from the same email ID. Important things to note: 1. The primary connector is email ID, so the ticket merger app will NOT work for tickets raised via Facebook, Twitter, or Phone. 2. Please ensure there are no mandatory fields in the ticket. This app CANNOT merge tickets that have mandatory fields. 3. To differentiate app merged tickets, both the primary and secondary tickets will have a private note with the suffix "by the Auto Ticket Merger App" text on it. 4. If the primary ticket is closed, no new tickets will be merged with it. Resolved tickets will still be considered for merging.
1.6k installs
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Eric Hall
Jaron Martin
Keith L
David  Torné
When a customer raises multiple tickets, you can choose the time interval within which they need to be merged. You can enter any custom time frame that is convenient for you. Configurations available: Window Duration: The window duration (in minutes) within which similar tickets will be merged. For example, 30 will merge the tickets raised within 30 minutes with the primary ticket from the same requester. Exclude Emails: List of emails that will always be excluded in the condition. Include Emails: List of emails that will always be merged regardless of the window duration configured. Whenever a ticket is received from this email, it will always be merged into their first ticket. Include Domains: List of domains that will always be merged regardless of the window duration configured. Whenever a ticket is received from an email with this domain name, it will always be merged to their first ticket. Example format: "". Exclude Domains: List of domains that will always be excluded from the condition. Whenever a ticket is received from an email with this domain name, it will always be ignored by the app. Example format: "". Merge Tickets from all Portals: Configure whether to merge tickets from all the portal or mark NO to check for matching portals as well. Included Sources: Sources to watch out for tickets to be merged. Only tickets from the configured sources will be merged in the configured window duration. Require the app's IP to add to your network's allowlist: The app will make API requests from a fixed set of IP addresses that can be allow-listed at your network if required.
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Freshdesk API key
What is the purpose of collecting/processing the data?
To merge the tickets in the customer's Freshdesk portal automatically using Freshdesk API.
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