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Merge duplicate tickets automatically. You can also customize what happens before and after merging
3.7 (30)
600+ installs
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OverviewReviewsHow to install?Privacy & SecurityNew
Automerge can detect and merge incoming tickets if a similar ticket was raised previously. Detection algorithm: The app detects duplicates based on ticket field values. You have to choose one or more fields to act as the base for detecting duplicates. Currently, the app supports the following fields for determining duplicates. 1. Status 2. Priority 3. Type 4. Agent 5. Group 6. All Custom Fields* *Note: 1. Custom fields search must be enabled in your Freshdesk account. 2. The “Ticket Requestor” field should be selected if duplicate tickets are expected to be created within a 2 - 3 mins period. There is a few minutes delay in the newly created tickets being made available in the app search for duplicates. Customization & Optional features. 1. Ticket fields - Choose one or more fields based on which tickets should be merged. 2. Time restriction (Optional) - Place a time constraint on duplicate detection. For eg. do not merge if the duplicate ticket was raised after 30 minutes. 3. Conversation Sync (Optional) - Sync conversations from the merged ticket into the merging ticket. 4. Enable tracking (Optional) - Keep track of the list of merged tickets in a ticket field of your choosing. Useful for extracting reports. 5. Enable Tagging (Optional) - You can choose to add a tag of your choosing to the ticket that was closed and merged.
600+ installs
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Taz Quinn-Walshe
Humberto Cabral da costa
Abhishek  Mistry
1. You’ll be greeted with the App Authorization screen. Enter your Freshdesk subdomain and an Administrator’s API key and click verify to authorize the application. 2. If the authorization is successful, look to the left of the app and click “configure” to navigate to the configuration screen. 3. MANDATORY: Choose one or more ticket fields from the dropdown. 4. You can install the app right away or you can enable other optional features. 5. OPTIONAL: Enable time restriction. Enter time limit for merging in Minutes/Hours/Days. 6. OPTIONAL: Enable conversation sync. No additional configuration required. 7. OPTIONAL: Enable ticket tracking. Choose one field to keep track of the parent ticket (the original ticket) and one field to keep track of child tickets (tickets which have been merged into this ticket). 8 OPTIONAL: Enable tagging. Enter a tag name. Only one tag will be added to the ticket.
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