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BigCommerce Connector

Connect your Freshdesk account with BigCommerce store.
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By clicking on "Install", you acknowledge and agree that your access and use of this application will be governed by the developer's terms of service and privacy policy. Freshworks may share your contact and usage information with the developer.
OverviewReviewsHow to install?Privacy & SecurityNew
The BigCommerce Connector for Freshdesk will allow you to connect your BigCommerce store and display customer information on the Freshdesk side. This will help to better search and verify information, as well as provide more effective support. The application, by default, uses the ticket requester email to search for information on the BigCommerce store. Found information is divided into detailed data about the customer and all orders associated with this customer. In addition, the application can connect several BigCommerce stores at the same time and display information for each store. You can sync your stores with Freshdesk account and get updates for contacts and orders. Main features of the application: 1) Providing information about the customer and orders directly on the ticket page 2) Ability to connect multiple stores at the same time and search across all stores 3) Additional search by email or order number. Used if the customer is not found by ticket requester email or if you want to find data by other email/order 4) Filtering orders. Helps to find the right order if there are too many of them. 5) Links to the customer, order and product pages on your BigCommerce admin panel (you should be authenticated). 6) Webhooks support: Freshdesk can get data about new customers and orders and create/update contacts or create tickets for any contact. Provided information: 1) Customer block: - Name (link on customer page in Admin panel) - Registration date - Total Sales - Store credits - Group - Country - Phone - Default shipping and billing addresses - Notes 2) Block of orders: - Order number (link on order page in Admin panel) - Status - Date of creation - Shipping date - Totals (subtotal, tax, shipping, discount, grand total) - Product block - Billing and shipping addresses - Payment and shipping methods - Shipment data - Notes 3) Product block: - Name (link on product page in Admin panel) - Price - Quantity - Sku - Product options - Total
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1) Generate new API Data for the application (BigCommerce > Settings > Store-level API accounts > Create API Account > Done). Recommend use only read access for this account. 2) Open the downloaded file, copy the API Path and Access Token, and place them on the same fields in the App settings. 3) Copy your BigCommerce url and place it on "Store Base URL" field in App settings. Your BigCommerce store must have an SSL certificate and configured for https requests
The information listed below is provided by the App Developer Partner pertaining to the data privacy policies of the latest app version available on the Freshworks Marketplace. The App Developer Partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
What is End-User data?
Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Data Management and Storage
Does your app use AI or GenAI features?
Does your app use "Freshworks AI powered features or Freddy AI" and comply with Freshworks AI powered features and Freddy AI terms?
Does your app collect / process any End-User data?
What End-User data does your app collect/process?
The app collects the customer and their order data.
What is the purpose of collecting/processing the data?
The app doesn't store the data but provides it to Freshworks side.
Does your app store any End-User data?
Does your app share End-User Data with any third party entities?
Does your app transfer European Economic Area (EEA) residents’s End-User Data outside of the EEA?
Can the End-User data be exported?
Can End-User data be accessed through your app logs?
Is the End-User data encrypted at rest?
Is the End-User data encrypted in transit?
Does your app adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standard?
Does your app permanently delete the customer data as soon as the customer uninstalls the app?
What is the data retention period after app is uninstalled?
The app doesn't store the data but provides it to Freshworks side.
Does your app allow customers to request a custom End-User Data retention period?
* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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