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Workflow automation with tasks & subtickets; connect with ClickUp, Freshdesk & more.
22 installs
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OverviewReviewsPrivacy & SecurityNew
Improve agent workflows with tasks, checklists & automation. ► Tasks & Checklists: Easily create and complete tasks. Save and reuse checklists; apply them to tickets manually or automatically. ► Subtickets: Convert tasks into subtickets for detailed task distribution and issue segregation, enhancing team collaboration. ► Ticket Templates: Predefine subtickets with specific details (subject, description, assignee) and copy information from parent tickets. ► Ticket Automations: Automate checklist addition and subtickets creation based on ticket conditions. ► ClickUp Integration: Seamlessly connect to ClickUp to automatically create and manage tasks within ClickUp. - Automatic task creation in ClickUp - Manually convert a Checklist task into a ClickUp task - Automatic updation of Checklist task when a ClickUp task is completed ► Auto Resolve: Automatically resolve a ticket once all associated tasks within Checklists are completed, streamlining the resolution process and ensuring no task is left unchecked. ► Features at a glance - Create, reorder and complete ad-hoc tasks - Create saved checklists for reuse.$$ - Add a checklist manually to a ticket. - Add checklists to tickets via automation.**** - Use custom ticket fields in automation conditions. - Make checklists mandatory before resolving a ticket (Freshchat and Freshdesk only). - Add tags to tickets when checklists are added (Freshdesk only).$$ - Role/Group based access restrictions to add checklists manually (Freshdesk only). - Create Ticket Templates to pre-define subtickets. - Use Ticket Templates to convert tasks into tickets on the go. - View user activity logs for a ticket. - Filter incomplete tasks. - Expand/collapse all checklists. - Insert checklists in reply editor (Freshdesk and Freshservice only). - Automatically resolve a ticket/converation when all tasks are completed. If you need any modifications, then please reach out to us. We are happy to adjust the app as per your requirements (paid service). Email with your requirements.
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