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Cobrowse and screenshare on Web, Android, and iOS in one click from Freshdesk.
31 installs
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OverviewReviewsHow to install?Privacy & SecurityNew
Cobrowse ( provides a built-in SDK. Add it directly to your apps to provide amazing customer support and remote selling to your Android, iOS, and/or Website users. Top features: - Built into your apps for seamless customer and agent experiences - Remotely screen-share, annotate, and remote control your customer's devices - Flexible customization supports many different use-cases Sample use case #1: - End-user is trying to pay their bill online via your website and calls via phone for customer support - Agent looks up account and prompts user to accept incoming screen-share with 1-click - End-user accepts and agent sees what the end-user sees. Agent then guides the end-user via laser pointer tool - Happy customer and faster support calls Sample user case #2: - Point-of-sale customer complains tablet is not connecting to printer - Agent filters for tablet device in dashboard and clicks to connect even when no user on other end - Unattended admin access solves the problem with perfect context - Agent reports back to customer that it has been fixed and demonstrates how to do it next time on their own device! Additional features: - Support for Web, Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows apps - Self-hosting / On-premise version of Cobrowse is available to our enterprise customers - Data masking of sensitive data - Annotation tools for agents or salespersons to guide the user visually - Session recordings for audit purposes - Optional full-device capabilities when configured Cobrowse is 100% free to try out during all development and testing stages. Create an account and get started with no credit card or other formalized sign-up required. Add our Native SDKs to your Android & iOS mobile apps, or our Javascript snippet to your website. Your support agents will then be able to screen share, annotate, and even remote control your Android, iOS, and Web apps running on your customer’s devices. All session history is available for auditing purposes, and end-users must accept the incoming session before agents are granted any access. Our Freshdesk integration provides 1-click access to screen share and remote control with your users, directly within Freshdesk! Learn more and try our online demo at! Developer docs available at Any questions, please feel free to email us at!
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