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eAuditor Audits & Inspections

eAuditor is an inspection, issue capture and corrective action platform for teams.
Published by Eauditor(about over 1 year ago)
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OverviewPrivacy & Security
1. It all starts with a checklist template Digitize your existing checklists 2. Conduct an inspection anywhere on your mobile device eAuditor makes it easy for anyone in your team to conduct inspections and audits on the go and records your audit results while you're in the field. 3. Export and share professional reports Instantly generate a report after an inspection is complete. Share it with your team, managers, clients or customers with the tap of a finger. 4. Gain insights with analytics Automatic syncing between mobile devices and desktop platform provide real-time analytics dashboards. Get visibility into your productivity, compliance, accuracy and more. Reducing Total Cost of Ownership It's a tough question that every company faces - how do you ensure quality and reliability while reducing costs? The answer: Reduce your total cost of ownership. Issues like breakage and delamination can result in costly recalls. By selecting the proper quality systems for your products early in the development process, you may be able to avoid these issues. Through early partnerships, eAuditor can help manage the cost of ownership through: Lifecycle management Integrated containment and delivery Technical expertise eAuditor is quality and safety inspection software system (QMS) to improve field audit productivity, consistency, visibility, organizational efficiency and collaboration by managing quality processes in a single application for employees and auditors. Mobile audits performed by eAuditor are stored in cloud-based database for expanded management reporting and analysis. eAuditor takes productivity the extra mile with pre-built integrations and custom enterprise system integration services. eAuditor provides a comprehensive solution for managing compliance, risk, quality. eAuditor software streamlines audit-related tasks which include creating standardized audit and checklist templates, generating an audit plan, conducting audits, identifying non-conformances and recommendations, tracking CAPAs and reporting results. eAuditor provides workflows and process management, controls processes and verifies their effectiveness with a single integrated quality management system. Additional capabilities include features and tools for audits, analytics, and validation, flexibility and automation of audit planning and generate customizable template-based audit reports. eAuditor is used by retail chains, hospitality brands, manufacturers, construction companies, health & safety inspectors, logistics, healthcare and many other industries. Real-time inspections & visibility, improved standards & compliance are the biggest benefits of eAuditor. Pre-built templates Annual Car Service CCTV Maintenance Coffee Master Certification Customer Experience Visit CEV Daily Cleaning Daily Log Daily Pre-start Safety Inspection Daily Shift Report Daily-boiler-room-checks Driver Compliance Driver Evaluation Drone Preflight Electrical Safety Check Engineering Workshop Inspection Field Report First Aid at Work Candidate Assessment Fleet Garage Food Premises Self Inspection Fuel Audit Gap Analysis ISO 9001 Gas Cylinder Safety Guest Room Daily Service Home Safety and Condition Audit Hot Work Permit Hotel Room Inspection Incident Briefing Internal Hot Work Safety Audit ISO 27001 Software Development Ladder Checks Light Vehicle Inspections Light Vehicle Safety Inspection Line Station Audit Management Site Visit Report Manager on Duty Report Office Inspection Operations Evaluation Report Pallet Racking Inspection Parking Lots & Passenger Loading Zones PERMIT TO WORK – DANGEROUS ENCLOSED SPACE Planter Maintenance Property Inspections QSR Audit Refrigerated Storage Rental Inspection Restaurant Evaluation Risk Assessment Root-cause Analysis Server Audit Site Monthly Inspection Site Opening Staff Feedback Supplier Audit Swimming Pools Training Feedback Tree Works Certification Vehicle Damage Weekly Van Check Weekly Vehicle and Machine Checks

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Data management & AnalyticsKnowledge & Content ManagementPayments, Accounting & Billing

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