By clicking on "Install", you acknowledge and agree that your access and use of this application will be governed by the developer's terms of service and privacy policy. Freshworks may share your contact and usage information with the developer.
OverviewRatings and ReviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
Freshservice - Github Integration App offers simple integration between Freshservice and Github. Using this app, support agents can Create, Link, and Notify Github issues. You can collaborate with your support team and developers in one place.
The Freshservice - Github app allows the support agents to create Github issues from the Freshservice apps form. The Freshservice - Github app also allows support agents to link existing Freshservice tickets to existing Github issues. In addition, the Freshservice - Github app allows support agents to help notify the Github team by sending comments from Freshservice support.
We also support customization based on customer requests and tailored to your needs! We bring Github closer to your business requirements!
The Freshservice-Github app provides couple of options like **Create Issue**, **Link Issue**, **Notify** , **Issue Log** & **Configure App**.
**Create Issue:** The **Create Issue** lets the user create a new issue # in Github from Freshservice. The support agent can select the label type of issue they want to create. Based on the selection of the repository type. they will see all the Github fields. The User can make the selection and click on Create button which would create a issue in Github and then display the corresponding Github issue Id in the App.
**Link Issue:** Using this button in the Freshservice - Github app, the support agent can link an existing Github Issue # to the current Freshservice ticket. Freshservice - Github app allows the user to create or link multiple issues to one Freshservice ticket.
**Notify:** Notify button in the Freshservice - Github app allows the support agent to notify all the linked Github issues to the current Freshservice ticket. These will show up as comments in Github.
**-Issue Log:** In the Freshservice - Github app Issue log modal shows you a couple of details of issue history including the comments history to the current Freshservice ticket.
**Configure App**:" This will help to map certain fields between Freshservice and Github.
*The Freshservice - Github Integration app is limited to One Repository, One agent, and up to 20 Github issues per month in the free version.*
This app is not free, in only works for 9 days and says you need to email support to pay for use
App Developer
about 1 month ago
Hi @Chris Thanks for your feedback Can we schedule a teams meeting and have a look into the issue. We are here to help you You can send an email to Thanks
Gard Marius Guldhav
8 months ago
After setting up the fine-grained access token to Github i only got access to public repositories for an organization i'm part of that was not specified in the token. The DevOps engineers was on the case minutes after sending them a support request and solved the issue not long after. The app also does exactly what it's supposed to do.
App Developer
8 months ago
Hi @Gard Marius Guldhav
Thanks for your feedback
Can we schedule a teams meeting and have a look into the issue. We are here to help you
You can send an email to
1. Generate the Freshservice token by referring to the following link.
2. Generate the Github token by referring to the following link
3. Click on the install button in the Freshservice apps.
4. Enter the Freshservice URL e.g. if your Freshservice URL is
5. Enter the Freshservice API key as generated in the first step.
6. Enter your Github token as generated in the second step.
7. Click on validate to validate the app.
8. After the app is validated successfully, click on the Install button to install the app.
9. Go to any of your Freshservice tickets to use the app.
The information listed below is provided by the App Developer Partner pertaining to the data privacy policies of the latest app version available on the Freshworks Marketplace. The App Developer Partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
What is End-User data?
Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Not an Admin? Share this app with your admin to install it for you.
Version History
10.0 (August 2024)
Minor bug fixes
9.0 (June 2024)
Version upgrade authentication error fixes
8.0 (June 2024)
Minor bug fixes.
7.0 (August 2023)
Minor bug fixes based on user inputs
6.0 (January 2023)
No release notes found
5.0 (October 2022)
No release notes found
4.0 (August 2022)
No release notes found
3.0 (July 2022)
No release notes found
2.0 (February 2022)
No release notes found
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