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Recursive Reminder App

Reminder app is a versatile tool that helps individuals stay organized,manage their time effectively
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The reminder app is a versatile tool that helps individuals stay organized and manage their time effectively, and reduce the risk of forgetting important Tasks. Whether it's remembering appointments, completing tasks, or planning events, these apps are valuable aids in our increasingly busy lives. The reminder app enables users to create, reschedule, and update tasks within tickets. The app sends recursive reminders and escalation emails to the assigned agent for each task. The app appears in the ticket sidebar, offering an option to create tasks directly. A button labeled "Create New Task" is provided in the ticket sidebar app. When clicked, a pop-up modal appears, prompting users to provide the following details to create a task: • Title • Status • Assigned to • Description • Due date and time Upon clicking the submit button, the app generates a reminder for the created task, sending it to the assigned agent and any email addresses configured during the app installation. In the ticket sidebar, users can view and edit existing tasks associated with the ticket. Agents have the ability to reschedule tasks for a different day or time. Dashboard: The app provides a dashboard that offers a graphical view of tasks. All users can access this dashboard to view their own tasks and update their statuses. The dashboard also allows users to reassign tasks to other agents. To enable this feature, users must configure their role in the configuration page. The reassignment feature will be available to all users assigned to the specified role, group, or email. These users will be able to view tasks created by all agents.
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1. In the Authorization tab, enter the Freshdesk Domain Name. E.g. if your Freshdesk URL is Freshdesk Domain Name should be: 2. Enter the Freshdesk API key as generated in the Freshdesk account. Reference link: 3. Click the "Validate" button to verify the credentials. After successful validation, the app will direct you to the next tab. 4. In the Gmail Account Configuration tab, follow the steps below. I. Create a Project 1. Go to Google Cloud, signing in to the console, and agree to the Terms of Service. 2. Click IAM & Admin > Manage Resources. 3. At the top, click Create Project and enter a project name. 4. (Optional) To add the project to a folder, for Location, click Browse, navigate to the folder, and click Select. 5. Click Create. II. Turn on the APIs for the service account 1. Click APIs and Services > Library. 2. Enable the following APIs a) Google Drive API b) Google Sheets API from the list of APIs Tip: If you cannot find the API, specify the API name in the search box. III. Set up the OAuth consent screen 1.Click APIs and Services > OAuth consent screen. 2. For User Type, select Internal. 3. Click Create. 4. For App name, add the name of your application. 5. Select a user support email for users to contact with questions 6. For Developer contact information, enter email addresses so Google can contact you about changes to your project. 7. Click Save & Continue > Save & Continue > Back to Dashboard. IV. Create the service account 1. Click APIs and Services > Credentials. 2. Click Create Credentials > Service account. 3. For Service account name, enter a name for the service account. 4. (Optional) For Service account description, enter a description of the service account. 5. Click Create & Continue. 6. Click Done > Save. 7. At the top, click Keys > Add Key > Create new key. 8. Make sure the key type is set to JSON and click Create. You will receive a message confirming the download of the service account's private key JSON file to your computer. Please take note of the file name and remember where your browser saves it. In this file, you will need to locate and provide the following information for Gmail Account Configuration during the app installation: private_key (Enter the Private Key before the “\n”) client_email 5. Click the "Authorize" button to verify the credentials. After successful validation, the app will direct you to the next tab. 6. In the Reminder Email Settings, click on the “+ Create Reminder”. 7. Upon clicking the button, a pop-up will appear. Please enter the following details: From Email address To Email address Remind Before Email Subject Email Description 8. In the Escalation Email Settings, Enter the below details From Email address To Email address Email Subject Email Description 9. In the Dashboard settings, choose the dashboard access limit type. 10.Once the access limit type is selected, the user can specify which roles, emails, or groups should have the ability to reassign tasks. 11. Click on the Install button to install the app. 12. The app is ready to use on your Freshdesk Tickets.
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