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Salesforce for Freshcaller(Classic)

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View Salesforce customers’ contact information in Freshcaller, create tasks under Salesforce record.
Published by konnectify(about 1 year ago)
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OverviewRatings and ReviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
The App helps you view your Salesforce contacts and latest tasks information from within the Freshcaller app. It also creates tasks within your SalesForce Sales cloud & Service cloud accounts under the contacts/Accounts/Leads/Opportunity/Case based on your app configuration. Having your Freshcaller integrated with Salesforce Sales & Service cloud enables you to do the following within your Freshcaller account itself: 1. Access contact information such as contact name, Account name during an outgoing call or an incoming call 2. Access the last five tasks or activity details you have with the customer you’re talking to. Also, create/schedule appointments (applicable only in Salesforce Sales cloud) 3. The App Creates tasks in SalesForce accounts under Contacts/Accounts/Leads./Opportunity/case based on your app configuration post incoming, outgoing and missed calls events in Freshcaller. 4. Navigate to your Salesforce account directly from your Freshcaller account on a tap of a button
To enable the integration, 1. Login as an Admin in your Freshcaller account 2. Go to Admin settings>>Apps>>Salesforce 3. Click the “Install” button. 4. Enter your Salesforce consumer key and secret key. (To get the keys please follow the steps in the video) 5. Click the “Continue” button and you will be directed to your Salesforce Login page. 6. Enter your login credentials there 7. Under Freshcaller settings, enter your Freshcaller domain link and API key. Click “Validate” button 8. Once validated successfully, it will get you to Salesforce Settings. 9. Under that, you can select your Salesforce account as per your choice (you can select both Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud accounts or either one of those) 10. Under the “Configuration” setting, you will have the ability to configure and map fields according to your requirements 11. Hit the “Install” button and you are good to go Watch the video attached here to make the next steps to install. (In the video you could see that you will be asked to enter the OAuth callback URL while entering the details in your Salesforce App. Please paste this link there -
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