Freshworks Marketplace

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Reduce tickets, tackle churn, simplify root cause analysis with AI-ticket tags
Published by Sentisum(about almost 4 years ago)
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OverviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
We know that as the volume of customer support conversations grows, it can be hard to stay responsive to your customer’s pain points. That’s why we built SentiSum. We want you to be able to understand reasons for contact at a granular level, regardless of scale. And to be able to prioritise customer-centric change across your organisation. Here’s how we help you reduce support ticket volume: - Truly understand reasons for contact in real-time - Automated, real-time tagging of customer contact. - Granular insight from all your customer contact channels, in one place. - Log in daily to review ticket drivers. - Answer the questions that other department leaders have in minutes. In time for insight to be actionable - Timely trend and anomaly detection. Like real-time alerts on trending topics, and automatic tickets made for social comments that need your attention. - View topics trends over any time frame. - Conduct root cause analysis with ease. - Automatically route and prioritise tickets. As an organisation - Get suggestions on which changes will most impact customer sentiment. So you can back up roadmap prioritisation with hard data. - Our CX reporting allows collaboration to flourish. Provide changemakers with a daily email digest and dashboard access, so they see customer issues their team can solve. - Remove time-consuming manual work by automating ticket tagging and analytics. Reach out to us on for a product demo and learn about our free trial

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsProductivity, Utility & Workflows

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

Follow these instructions to connect your Freshdesk data to your SentiSum account and if you have any questions, please reach out to us at 1. Sign up for a free trial on our website 2. When on your SentiSum dashboard, click Connect With Freshdesk 3. Enter your Freshdesk details as prompted 4. Allow SentiSum access to your Freshdesk data 5. The data connection will then be complete SentiSum will automatically sync your recent conversations and perform topic and sentiment analysis.

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsProductivity, Utility & Workflows

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

The information listed below is provided by the App Developer Partner pertaining to the data privacy policies of the latest app version available on the Freshworks Marketplace. The App Developer Partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
What is End-User data?
Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Data Management and Storage
Does your app use AI or GenAI features?
Does your app use "Freshworks AI powered features or Freddy AI" and comply with Freshworks AI powered features and Freddy AI terms?
Does your app collect / process any End-User data?
Does your app store any End-User data?
Does your app share End-User Data with any third party entities?
Does your app transfer European Economic Area (EEA) residents’s End-User Data outside of the EEA?
Can the End-User data be exported?
Can End-User data be accessed through your app logs?
Is the End-User data encrypted at rest?
Is the End-User data encrypted in transit?
Does your app adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standard?
Does your app permanently delete the customer data as soon as the customer uninstalls the app?
Does your app allow customers to request a custom End-User Data retention period?
For more information related to privacy and security, reach out to developer support

App Details

Data management & AnalyticsProductivity, Utility & Workflows

Developer Resources

Developer SupportWebsite
Please visit the vendor’s website for privacy policy and terms of use.

Marketplace Resources

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