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Tasks To Do

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Create your own workflows with custom task lists for managing your tickets.
Published by V Tecknologies (about 6 months ago)
3.8 (8)
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OverviewRatings and ReviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
Businesses always have a set of processes and rules that need to be adhered to in their day to day operations. A To do App comes in handy to structure this process for a newly joined team member and as well as a seasoned staff. Once the app is installed, the admin of the organization would be able to 1. Add a set of tasks for each ticket type that agents must complete 2. Also decide whether all tasks for a given ticket are completed before resolving or closing the ticket Once the app is configured, inside the ticket details page 1. Both agents and admin would be able to see the tasks shown for a selected ticket type. 2. Agents can refer to the tasks to ensure all steps are followed when working on a particular type of ticket 3. Based on the app settings, agents will be able to resolve or close a ticket if all tasks are not checked and completed.
45 installs
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VAA access
1. Open the Todo app from your gallery 2. Enter the Freshdesk API key and domain URL 3. All ticket types available for the account is shown 4. Each ticket type has a section where you can choose to add/remove tasks 5. You can also choose to close/resolve tickets only after the set tasks are complete by turning on the toggle button. 6. Click Install and you should see the app live in your ticket details page
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