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Evaluate your candidate’s skill sets with TestGorilla to hire faster, easier and bias-free.
Published by Konnectify(about 2 years ago)
3.5 (2)
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TestGorilla provides you and your candidates an enjoyable and highly accurate screening experience – without bias or stress. We achieve this by taking a deeply scientific, multi-layered approach that ensures our screening tests are always valid, reliable, and fair. With Freshteam and TestGorilla integration, you can use TestGorilla’s screening tests to identify the best job applicants and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free. What skills you can evaluate: Multi-measure assessments are the best indicators of whether a candidate will be successful in a specific job role. With our large, wide-ranging test library, you can test job applicants on: ● Cognitive ability ● Personality and culture ● Software skills ● Programming skills ● Language ● Situational judgment ● Role-specific skills What are the benefits of this integration: ● Hire the best talent - screen for role-specific skills, cognitive ability, soft skills, culture add, and motivation. ● Predict real-world job performance - Select from a library of more than 230 scientifically validated tests. ● Save valuable time - Automate your recruitment process with qualifying questions and one-way interviews. ● Promote diversity - Remove bias and give all your candidates an equal opportunity to prove their skills Why should you choose Freshteam + TestGorilla: ● Reliable: View PDF reports of your applicants’ ranked results to see at a glance which candidates are the most skilled ● Customizable: Tailor your assessments by choosing from 230+ tests, create custom questions, and add your company branding ● Removes bias: Prevent subjective judgments and promote diversity by assessing candidates on their skills, not their CVs ● Increases talent pool: Assess strong candidates who would not have submitted a CV or would have been rejected in a manual resume-screening process ● Easy-to-use: Integrate TestGorilla with your Freshteam account to make your hiring process seamless ● Saves time: Automate your screening process by posting public links in your job posts and using qualifying questions to pre-screen applicants ● Saves money: Accelerate your hiring and reduce costs by only spending time on the most qualified candidates for each job role. ● Smooth candidate experience: Provide a superb candidate experience, deliver onboarding, and identify opportunities for learning and development.
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