Cx MOMENTS automatically detects and trends customer issues in freshdesk tickets
We analyse freshdesk support tickets to find your customers' real "reasons to contact", detect mentions of bugs, products and many more. We measure the impact of these queries on customer satisfaction and cost to serve, and help you detect which of your agents may need specific training.
Our customers find that we categorise customer support tickets 4 times better than their support agents do manually, and that we leave 70% less tickets uncategorised.
You can discover insights in your own Freshdesk support data now, by setting up a free trial in just a few clicks.
Cx MOMENTS is easy to use, easy to set-up and free to try!
How to connect your Freshdesk instance to Cx MOMENTS
1. login to Cx MOMENTS portal.
2. Select FRESHDESK as your datasource
3. Enter your API key and Freshdesk domain to connect your Freshdesk instance to Cx MOMENTS
4. Name your dataset and click 'Submit'.
And you're done!
The information listed below is provided by the App Developer Partner pertaining to the data privacy policies of the latest app version available on the Freshworks Marketplace. The App Developer Partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
What is End-User data?
Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
Not an Admin? Share this app with your admin to install it for you.
Version History
This is the first version. Release notes not yet available.
Build your own apps
Backed by a Platform-as-a-Service including a data store and serverless runtimes, and our rich Crayons component library, our SDK allows you to develop and deploy apps in a flash.