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Unlimited Translations + Sentiment

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Automatic ticket translation and sentiment without a subscription
Published by Canadesk(about over 1 year ago)
4.5 (2)
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**No monthly fee, no characters limit** Enable your support agents to communicate in multiple languages without limits. No external subscription is required for the app to work and your text translations are not sent to any third parties. Enjoy unlimited characters translation as well as language and sentiment detection. **Much more than a translation tool** Words tell a story that is sometimes hard to interpret. This app will automatically describe the conversation sentiment as Negative, Neutral or Positive and detect the customer's language. **Faster responses, better accuracy** - Detect the ticket sentiment and the Customer-Agent language pair. - Automatically translate your customer's last reply. - Translate your own text without leaving Freshdesk. - Lower your costs and improve your CSAT scores. - Currently supports 60 languages for auto-detection, and the following for translation: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Czech, Estonian, Farsi, Bulgarian, Norwegian (Ny/Bo), Catalan, Icelandic, Hungarian. ------------------------------ Looking for custom translation models? Contact us at!
Install the application, navigate to any ticket and start translating! The app may be slow to start the first time you select a new language. It is also NOT recommended to run it in Incognito mode because some features rely on caching to improve translation times.
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