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User Importer

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User Importer makes migrating data from a CSV file to Freshservice easy and less tedious.
Published by Freshworks(about 2 years ago)
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OverviewRatings and ReviewInstallation InstructionsPrivacy & Security
User Importer not only simplifies migrating data from a CSV file to Freshservice but also automates data migration, thereby minimizing user effort and supervision. In addition, it also offers an efficient way of encrypting data before migrating the same to Freshservice. Here are some of the key features of the app: Automatic data synchronization every day. PGP encryption and data migration through SFTP server to minimize data breach risks. Ability to modify field mapping settings based on user needs. NOTE: 1) The app supports default, number, string, date and dropdown fields only. 2) Per schedule maximum allowed file size is 25 MB (It includes all the file changed in that scheduled interval).
Fill in the mandatory fields to install the app. Freshservice API Detail: 1) Account URL: Enter the hosting URL which is present in the Freshservice account URL. Example: API key: To retrieve your API key: 1) Log in to your Freshservice account. 2) Click your profile picture icon at the top-right corner and select Profile Settings on the right pane. You will find the API key. Copy the key as it is required to authenticate third-party solutions. Once the Freshservice API details are entered, click "Verify Account Credential". You will then be able to set up your preferred app settings. 2) Provide the SFTP information with the exact folder. There will be two types of authentication we support: Password along with the host information. Using private key file ( ex: Pem and Ppk). NOTE: You can also provide the port information along with the domain. 3) Enter how often (in terms of the number of days) you want to look for the updated file in order to update the requester/Agent from the CSV file. You can also secure the file by using PGP encryption. Once enabled, PGP in the App setting will provide a public key, which has to be used to encrypt the CSV file in the SFTP server in REST. 4) Choose the sample file to identify or map the CSV column to the respective Freshservice field mapping. NOTES: The sample file should be a CSV file. The sample file should not be encrypted. The same column name must be present in the future file, which will be uploaded to the SFTP folder. For agent Import, the CSV file name should begin with "agent_" 5) Need to map the Freshservice fields with respect to the CSV column. NOTE: Mandatory fields in Freshservice are pre-populated to ensure that you have mapped those fields with respect to the column without fail before installing the app. To select a custom requester field as a primary key for importing requesters, select the "Enable custom keys" checkbox in the "Requester Field Mapping" section, choose a custom field from the dropdown and map the field with the appropriate column name in the file.
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Any information that is generated or provided by individuals while using your apps in connection with Freshworks products.
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Can End-User data be accessed through your app logs?
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Is the End-User data encrypted in transit?
Does your app adhere to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standard?
Does your app permanently delete the customer data as soon as the customer uninstalls the app?
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* Charges may apply from the app developer.
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