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Whiteboard for Freshdesk

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This is a Freshdesk app that provides a highly functional whiteboard with export capabilities
Published by Hodolist(about 6 months ago)
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Whiteboard features - Create and manage multiple whiteboards effortlessly. - Utilize a variety of basic shapes, arrows, and text boxes. - Add sticky notes to keep your ideas organized. - Enjoy full control with Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy/Paste features. - Zoom in and out for a detailed view of your work. - Embed other apps like Google Drive, Calendar, Figma, and more. - Import photos and videos to enhance your whiteboards. - Export or copy your whiteboards as SVG, PNG, or JSON files. - Choose a transparent background when exporting. - Easily adjust colors, transparency, arrangement, and strokes with a user-friendly control panel. - The whiteboards are persisted locally (ie, Changes are lost in new browser or computer) This Whiteboard App will be beneficial for Freshdesk customers by enhancing their ability to collaborate, organize, and visualize ideas. With the capability to create and manage multiple whiteboards, teams can keep different projects or topics well-organized. The app’s robust toolkit, featuring basic shapes, arrows, text boxes, and sticky notes, allows users to clearly illustrate concepts and workflows. Additionally, the ability to embed other apps like Google Drive, Calendar, and Figma directly into the whiteboard makes it a central hub for all project resources. Importing photos and videos further enriches the visual content, while export options to SVG, PNG, or JSON, with customizable backgrounds, offer flexibility in sharing and documentation. This app not only streamlines team collaboration but also enhances productivity and creativity within Freshdesk’s platform.
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