whatsapp whatsapp

Build strong relationships with customers by sending them order updates and handling queries

livechat livechat
Live chat

Welcome website visitors and incentivize them to make purchases 24x7

sms sms

Send promotional campaigns or multimedia SMS with images and product links

email email

Send trigger-based messages about purchases and account activity at the best time, every time.

facebook messager facebook messager
Facebook Messenger

Turn conversations into purchases with messaging campaigns on social media

instagram instagram

Drive discovery and sales by engaging with customers, reinforcing brand messaging and create lifelong value

apple business chat apple business chat
Apple Business Chat

Chat with your clients and deliver a personalized customer experience with Apple Business

line messager line messager
Line Messenger

Stay connected with customers across the globe with availability on the platform of their choice

google business messager google business messager
Google Business Messages

Conversations on Google Maps, Search, and brand websites to create rich, asynchronous messaging experience

Automated  multichannel campaigns 

  • Automate your campaigns to engage with your audience every time they take an action using triggers and conditions 
  • Optimize campaign performance by identifying the right channel to reach your audience with Channel Reachability
  • Segment your audience and send personalized journeys based on their interests and behavior
first fold first fold

Drag-and-drop email builder

  • Get started within minutes using easily customizable and versatile pre-built templates
  • Add coupon codes, recently viewed items, and items in cart to recover sales
  • Increase open rates and click-through rates with personalization and send time optimization
second fold second fold

One inbox for smarter conversations 

  • Connect with your buyers across channels from one place
  • Resolve queries faster with customer context into purchase history and previous conversations
third fold third fold

One solution, unlimited benefits

Improve ROI

Understand which channels give a better bang for your buck to ensure your marketing dollars are spent well

Advanced Personalization

Run targeted campaigns based on audience behavior to improve their experience with your brand

Focus on growth

Use automation to optimize your promotional spend and extend your reach while focus on strategic decisions

Send the right message via the right channel with Freshmarketer