Do you know how well your website performs, what works and what doesn’t? 

When was the last time you gave this some thought? It’s okay if you haven’t because most people don’t. However, it is necessary if you want your website to reach new levels. 

So, how do you do this? Enter website analytics. Website analytics help you understand your users better and what they prefer. 

For one, these insights help you improve the user experience on your website. 

Thus, enabling you to create a connect that is relevant to your audience and build better engagement. 

Here’s how you can do this.

A deep dive into website analytics

Put simply, website analytics is a data overview of user behavior on your website.

A web analytics tool makes it easier for you to track and view these metrics in a single place. It tracks the IP address, geographic location, OS (operating system), and your visitors’ device. You can then leverage this information to optimize the performance of your content.

So, instead of creating new content frequently, you can optimize existing ones. 

Why? For one, new content pieces take time to both produce and gain attention. If you require quick traffic, it is better to optimize existing content pieces because they are already published. 

While new content is fresh and up-to-date, it could lose steam in the time it takes to rank. On the other hand, optimizing existing content ensures it is fresh, updated and takes lesser efforts to publish. You are building on authority that the existing content already has, rather than creating something from scratch. 

With website analytics, you can get a better picture of:

Why is website analytics important? 

The answer is simple. 

Using website analytics makes a positive impact on business growth. 

These insights also help you understand the path taken by a visitor to sign up or make a purchase. Is it longer than you expected? Does it fall in the middle? Or is it optimal? 

You can also use these findings to create a better experience for your visitors. 

A good marketing automation solution can help you measure these metrics and provides you with insights into a single system.

Freshmarketer makes it easy for you to measure the performance of your page and quickly act upon it to enrich your visitor’s experience. 

Website Analytics with Freshmarketer

Here are four ways Freshmarketer can help you measure website analytics:

Access insights faster with quick report generation

Generate reports right out of the box. You can also create a report from scratch with the metrics that are important to you in a matter of minutes. With Freshmarketer, you can maintain a single dashboard that displays various reports that are relevant to you. This includes reports such as “quarterly visitor metrics,” “next page visited,” and more.

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Understand your visitors better with deep filters

Don’t just stop with viewing overview and broad-level metrics. Freshmarketer lets you apply filters across visitor behavior, such as the marketing campaigns they sign up for if they have visited multiple landing pages, which one they prefer, and which emails they engage more. You can even use “AND/OR” filters until you can view what you exactly want to. With this data, you can create tabular reports, stacked bar or line graphs to represent your website visitor engagement best and take suitable action.

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Ensure zero data gap with shareable reports

Create reports easily and share them directly with your team or members in your organization. Freshmarketer lets you export these reports conveniently, such as Excel, CSV, or even PDF. You can also present data and findings directly from the CRM to your entire team. 

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Get more ROI by zeroing in on high-growth factors

Is most of your website traffic from blogs or pages? Or ads? You can then create a seamless flow from one page to another. This ensures that your visitors move through the buyer journey without bottlenecks. On the contrary, if your pages, blogs, or ads already work well together, use it as a “best practices template” going forward.

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