Email is one of the key pillars of communication in this digital-first world. Want to capture a prospect's interest, shoot out a quick personalized email. Promoting your next product launch? Send an email to a list of contacts. Need to relay an update to your boss? Email works like a charm. 


And, if you are a part of a team, you may be a part of various email distribution lists. This means inbound emails are automatically forwarded to members of the distribution list. While this is a good way to share information, there’s a flip side. All the emails pile up in your team member’s inbox, resulting in loss of information due to…  Wondering how to fix this? Try Team inbox for easy team email management.

An illustration of boosting sales with team inbox An illustration of boosting sales with team inbox

What is a team inbox?


A team inbox is a centralized inbox that lists all inbound and outbound emails of a common address like @sales or @support. By using a team inbox, you bring the team inbox to your entire team rather than each of them logging into the common email account individually. This helps your entire team gain better context of all emails and streamline action accordingly.  


What is the difference between an inbox and a team inbox?


Your default inbox is where emails addressed to you are available. You need a username-password combination to view these emails and send a reply.

Generally, an email address linked to a default inbox will look like this:

 A default inbox is restricted to one user. Other team members cannot view or access emails in your inbox. 


A team inbox lets team members manage a group email ID that receives a high volume of emails in one space. For example, the email IDs that are specifically used to clarify prospect queries or assist customers. 


These email IDs often look something like this :

Using a team inbox ensures high visibility with all emails stacked in one common inbox. And when a team member hasn't responded, it gives room for another team member to step up and reply.

Benefits of using a team inbox 


Using a default inbox for team emails is challenging. You need to ensure that team members regularly toggle between multiple inboxes to stay updated. Furthermore, to have multiple people access the inbox, you may have to share the login credentials. This also increases the security threat that may arise when team members leave the organization.

When you use a default inbox for a team email ID, you disrupt customer experience by:

  • Allowing emails to remain unopened
  • Overwhelming team members with multiple inboxes to monitor
  • Increasing the likelihood of team members sending multiple responses
  • Delaying the time to respond to high-priority emails
  • Offering limited context for the team member to engage better
  • Increasing security threats by sharing login information among multiple salespeople

Thus, a team inbox helps you amplify your email outreach efforts while minimizing the challenges that come with a generic email ID. It brings all your emails to one place for your team, offers clear context, and helps your team collaborate better.  How? Read on to find out.

How to boost team productivity through effective team email management


With the rise of digital selling, prospects seek personalized experiences. Using a team inbox breaks down siloed data, which otherwise means all correspondence in one space and prospect-specific details in another tool. A team inbox lets you consolidate your effort from a single channel. Your team not only stays on top of all your emails but also can reduce the email response time effortlessly.

The average response time for emails among businesses responding is 12 hours and 10 minutes. It is also shocking to note that as many as 62% of all businesses don’t respond to their customer’s emails at all.

When it comes to team inboxes, you tend to think about setting a faster resolution and creating a consistent customer experience. Your sales team is regularly inundated with queries about your product, pricing, scope, and much more. 

Having a team inbox helps you ensure that your prospects aren't kept waiting for a response. If included in your sales process, a team inbox empowers your reps to sell from your inbox.  

Empower sales from your team inbox

Reduce shared logins and improve accountability

No more messy distribution lists or sharing inbox credentials. Individual login access gives your team better control over their email communication. With a team inbox,  emails reach a central hub where team members can access emails and reply to emails. It lets you do away with messy distribution lists that clutter your inbox with more email threads. 

Increase transparency and streamline collaboration

Empower your team to track the status of every email at a glance. Collaborate better and cut down on duplication that occurs when you use a default inbox.

Receive timely alerts and cut the wait time

Keep your entire team in the loop when your inbox receives an email. With a team inbox, you can make sure that your high-priority prospects get a quick response and feel valued.

Take ownership and reduce dependencies

Get the complete context of your email conversations. Ensure that new team members can start off from where the previous reps left off.

Reduce clutter and close more deals

Discover reps who engage with prospects in real time. Let your reps unify their effort to turn leads on your inbox to customers.

How to bolster your sales email management with a CRM  

For a seamless digital selling experience, your sales team may use a sales automation platform to scale outreach in addition to email service. A sales CRM helps you bring data from these different sources into a single hub. It serves as a single point of communication for data, interaction and experience. 

Freshsales CRM offers a free email integration that lets you connect your team inbox to your CRM. 

When you bring your team inbox into Freshsales, you not only reduce the tools involved but also:

  • Leverage advanced features that your email service lacks like email analytics, personalization, automation, and more
  • Balance workload with the help of automation
  • Scale your sales activities as the volume of interactions increase
  • Include multiple channels in your sales sequences
  • Reduce grunt work with AI-driven automation and insights

With Freshsales CRM, discover how team email management can pave way for context-driven engagement.

Centralize data, contacts, and interactions for personalized conversations

As your business grows, your reach increases and so does the volume of sales inquiries. When you use a team inbox, your team can simply respond to the emails faster. With Freshsales in your sales arsenal, automatically create contacts based on the emails sent to your team inbox. Scale customer experience by consolidating all conversations under a contact within a client management system.

  • Automatically map incoming emails to relevant contacts to log all interactions
  • Auto-assign emails to available agents for quick replies to emails
  • Streamline collaboration between your global sales team easily
fsa contact landing page fsa contact landing page

Keep a pulse on people and your conversation

When you integrate your team inbox with Freshsales, you auto-forward all emails to your CRM. This helps you stay in control of the inbound emails and manage those who can access your inbox.

  • Manage multiple team inboxes for different teams
  • Switch between your inbox and your team inbox seamlessly
  • Remove deactivated users from your team inbox automatically
Email composer in Freshsales Email composer in Freshsales

Run sales email campaigns easily

Reduce the grunt work by automating your sales outreach and reducing redundant processes. Segment prospects and tailor highly engaging and multi-channel sales sequences. Build valuable relationships with prospects through messages that connect with them better.

  • Set up workflows that automate your sales sequences and nurtures prospects
  • Use email templates to create highly personalized messages in no time
  • Trigger your emails to reach prospects at the right time or based on pre-set conditions
sales sequence in Freshsales sales sequence in Freshsales

Increase the effectiveness of email outreach with AI 

Take sales to the next level with Freddy AI, Freshsales' resident AI bot. Freddy AI evaluates leads, refers historical data, and offers recommendations for your reps. Discover prospects who are ready to convert and move them closer to a deal with AI-driven selling.

Back on insights and make the right decisions with Freddy AI 


Predictive contact scoring Predictive contact scoring


Get performance metrics at your fingertips

Your sales reps are knee-deep in prospect queries and engagement. Analyzing the performance of your sales sequences helps you level up and improve conversions. Your team inbox serves as a single point of contact for your common email addresses.


sales report sales report


What your team inbox integrated with Freshsales brings is even better - Performance analytics.

Discover how to deep dive into performance insights with reports 

Harness prospect insights from your team inbox

Maintaining prospect information helps you build relationships and nurture leads. FreddyAI extracts information based on how your prospects engage with your emails. With these insights, you can figure out if leads are closer to buying, or not.


Generating sales document Generating sales document


With Freshsales’ powerful features, your team can then work on closing deals much faster.

Learn more about generating branded sales documents and close deals

Transform the way you handle your sales emails

Coordinate your common sales accounts and email outreach effectively with a team inbox. Keep salespeople happy by increasing accessibility and reducing the accounts they need to access during sales. Empower your salespeople to collaborate better, manage group email accounts effectively, and sell straight from the inbox.

saas sales saas sales