Your business has dozens of qualified leads in your pipeline that are awaiting engagement.

Yet, your salespeople fail to connect with the leads, resulting in stagnation and a clogged pipeline.

This is because they do not have context on your leads, and hence the connection fails. A one size fits all approach does not work with all leads. 

The root of all this can be traced to fragmented customer information.

So how do you solve this? 

Enter Customer 360.

Customer 360 provides you with a holistic view of all the data gathered by your sales and marketing teams on your leads and contacts. 

Let’s see how.

sales rep, sales rep contacting leads, lead management sales rep, sales rep contacting leads, lead management

Why is Customer 360 important? 


Storing lead data across multiple platforms results in data fragmentation, low context, and poor productivity. To solve these problems, you need a comprehensive CRM that can fill in the gaps by providing a 360-degree view of your customers. This includes an in-depth context of your customers, surfacing important information as highlights, and efficiently organizing your data.

Customer 360 view in a CRM like Freshsales can help you tackle this and ensure you have access to all customer data without compromising productivity. 


With Customer 360, you can:

  • Have a unified view of leads during the various stages of their buyer journey, from the awareness stage to the decision stage 

  • Keep track of the necessary information to nurture leads and connect better through contextual and personalized conversations

  • Unify your sales and marketing teams

  • Learn preferences of leads through their interactions and content consumed

  • Sustain engagement and keep the conversation flowing with customers as your salespeople upsell and cross-sell

  • Close deals faster 

customer 360, importance of customer 360 customer 360, importance of customer 360

The role of Customer 360 in digital growth


Customer 360 is a single source of truth that provides easy visibility and access to crucial information on a prospect or a customer. Your salespeople can enhance customer experiences with meaningful journeys, even when they are working remotely. 

Here’s how Customer 360 can scale the digital growth of your business.


1. Increase conversions and accelerate growth

With siloed data, most salespeople go after a lead based on their gathered information and their gut feeling, which may not always bear results. Using Customer 360, salespeople have a digital solution to highlight critical information on leads and contacts. This information in turn leads to faster engagement, thereby increasing conversions for your business. 

To surface key information, your salespeople need to identify the right leads. Using predictive scoring, salespeople can rank leads and contacts based on their engagement with your business. By focusing resources on the right leads and contacts, your salespeople can close more accounts and hit sales targets faster, thus increasing conversions and accelerating business growth.

2. Engage in contextual and meaningful conversations

Customer 360 provides insights on lead engagement and their interactions with various touchpoints of your business. These touchpoints include emails, chat conversations with a representative, website visits, etc.

Knowing lead preferences and what they are looking for on your website gives an insight into their requirements. Salespeople can use these insights to engage in meaningful conversations and deliver delight at every step. Are they working in a remote setup? With Customer 360, they can connect seamlessly with prospects and provide contextual experiences.

A CRM with an activity timeline feature can provide a chronological view of a lead’s or customer’s engagement with your business and filter them accordingly.

3. Eliminate juggling between multiple tools

When salespeople use multiple tools for customer interactions and storing data, juggling among them is guaranteed to lower productivity and allow leads to slip through the cracks. 

With Customer 360, your sales team can use a single tool for insights on all lead and customer data. By unifying internal silos, salespeople can engage better with prospects and customers. Further, your salespeople can spend more time on selling and boosting productivity instead of spending their energy toggling between tools.

4. Get key information at your fingertips 

Given its user-friendly interface, Customer 360 ensures that your salespeople can surface critical information at their fingertips with a single click. From website visits and content consumed to interactions with your business touchpoints and meeting notes, Customer 360 can provide everything your sales reps need to move the conversation forward.  

Close deals faster with Customer 360 

With Customer 360, your sales reps can better understand your leads and customers and provide the right amount of personalization.

By giving a customer journey that is tailored to their needs, salespeople can deliver delight and close deals faster.

Further, engaging in conversations that have context allows your reps to attract and retain customers, thus scaling your business. 

customer 360, salespeople customer 360, salespeople