Best customer feedback software in 2024

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Seeking a comprehensive view of every facet of your sales process, coupled with real-time customer feedback? Elevate your customer feedback collection process by harnessing invaluable insights with contextual surveys facilitated by cutting-edge customer feedback software. 

Experience the power of Freshworks Customer Service Suite– your solution for a 360° perspective. Don't just rely on our endorsement; take the reins and explore it firsthand by booking a free demo.

What is customer feedback software?

Embrace a cycle of collection, enhancement, and growth with customer feedback software, embodying the mantra of continuous improvement. Each customer encounter holds significance for your business, underscoring the importance of gathering insights into their experiences with your services and products.

Customer feedback software serves as your assistant, seamlessly gathering and organizing critical customer insights. This tool facilitates a deeper comprehension of customer sentiment, pinpointing areas ripe for improvement. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions that elevate customer satisfaction and contribute to your business's ongoing evolution.

Unlock the advantages of effective customer feedback software

In the current landscape, prioritizing customer satisfaction is paramount. Without a solid foundation of customer contentment, navigating development and marketing decisions becomes akin to shooting in the dark. However, the collection of customer feedback, if not orchestrated with a strategic approach, can leave your team disoriented. Customer feedback software, a strategic ally in systematically gathering crucial customer reactions, elevates satisfaction and boosts business growth.

Let's delve into the benefits that customer feedback software can deliver:

  1. Deeper customer understanding: Utilize customer feedback software to gain profound insights into the needs and preferences of your clientele. Through meticulous analysis of feedback data, the teams can identify trends and patterns that can help design new products and refine existing ones.

  2. Customer-centric decision-making: Improve your decision-making process by collecting and organizing meaningful feedback with your customer feedback software. Base your business and product decisions on the explicit needs of your customers, a practice proven to boost profits. 

  3. Enhanced products and services: Leverage collected feedback to populate your product backlog, streamlining the development cycle. The result is the creation of profitable products that resonate with customers, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

  4. Brand loyalty and customer retention: Sustain high sales and fortify brand loyalty by consistently meeting customer satisfaction benchmarks. Businesses that increased customer retention by just 5% witnessed a remarkable 25-95% increase in profits.

In essence, a well-implemented customer feedback system not only refines your understanding of customer needs but also empowers you to make customer-centric decisions that drive profitability and long-term success.

Why is customer feedback software essential?

Consider customer feedback software not just a choice but a business imperative. Here's why your business can't afford to overlook the importance of customer feedback software:

  1. Combat customer churn: Address customer attrition by deciphering their needs through insightful customer reviews. Utilize the feedback to align your offerings with customer expectations, fostering loyalty and retention.

  2. Streamline decision-making: Facilitate prompt implementation of post-feedback decisions through seamless cross-functional collaboration. This approach minimizes miscommunication and eliminates redundancies, ensuring efficient and effective responses to customer input.

  3. Harness automation and AI: Leverage the capabilities of automation and artificial intelligence to streamline operations. Save valuable time on data entry and other repetitive tasks prone to human errors. Customer feedback software empowers your team with more accurate and timely insights.

  4. Stay ahead of the competition: Avoid falling behind in the competitive landscape by staying attuned to the latest trends and patterns. Customer feedback software provides a window into your customers' expectations for future products and services, enabling your business to adapt and innovate proactively.

To sum it up, customer feedback software isn't just a tool; it's a necessity for your business's survival. It empowers you to proactively address customer needs, enhance decision-making, optimize operational efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve in a dynamic market.

Top 10 customer feedback tools for 2024

If you're on the hunt for customer feedback software, look no further. Here's a curated list of premier customer feedback software options designed to simplify your feedback collection process:

Freshworks Customer Service Suite

Make customer service effortlessly smooth with the Freshworks Customer Service Suite. This robust cloud-based tool allows you to scale support experiences without escalating costs. Key features include:

  • Real-time contextual feedback: Empower your support team to solicit relevant feedback in real-time within a unified workspace, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication.

  • Personalized surveys: Craft personalized surveys and feedback forms using data from multiple touchpoints, tailoring the customer experience based on interactions and active periods.

  • Omnichannel insights: Gather feedback from diverse touchpoints, unifying data from email, phone, website, chat, messaging apps, and social media for comprehensive customer insights.

  • Data segregation for analysis: Before analysis, segregate feedback based on sources, customer segments, or products/services. Efficiently implement gleaned insights by differentiating between relevant data and extraneous information.

  • Real-time collaboration: Share feedback and data in real-time across cross-functional teams using a unified platform. Facilitate seamless communication and information sharing, ensuring updates are visible to all relevant parties.

  • Freshconnect integration: Leverage Freshconnect, the built-in communication tool, to involve relevant stakeholders during customer interactions, feedback discussions, and implementation processes.

  • AI-powered support: Activate bots with the support of artificial intelligence for timely resolutions, surveys, and feedback. Enhance both team efficiency and customer satisfaction.

See the Suite in action

Perfect for

Freshworks Customer Service Suite caters to individuals and companies of all sizes. It offers feedback support and implementation assistance for small, medium, and large businesses. With its high scalability and cloud-based system, it overcomes on-site constraints, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to upgrade their feedback collection and overall customer service.

What sets Freshworks Customer Service Suite apart?

Freshworks Customer Service Suite stands out by offering users a comprehensive solution for not only managing customer feedback but also streamlining various sales processes. Here's why people appreciate this suite:

  1. Holistic management: Experience an all-encompassing platform that effectively handles customer feedback and seamlessly integrates with various sales processes. Freshworks Customer Service Suite provides a unified solution for comprehensive customer interaction management.

  2. Extensive integration options: Unlock the potential of integration by seamlessly connecting Freshworks and Freshdesk with a myriad of tools. The Marketplace, housing over 650 applications, allows users to integrate with platforms like SurveyMonkey, Nicereply, Salesforce, and more. This diverse integration capability ensures a tailored and efficient workflow.

  3. AI-powered assistance: These capabilities not only facilitate addressing customer concerns but also intelligently escalate issues to human employees when necessary. The AI system lends its support to both team members and customers, aiding in the creation and completion of feedback forms and surveys.

Freshworks Customer Service Suite isn't just a tool; it's an immersive experience that empowers users to manage customer feedback efficiently while seamlessly integrating with a wide array of tools. The inclusion of powerful AI capabilities further enhances the suite's functionality, offering valuable assistance to both teams and customers throughout the feedback process.

Check out the pricing here.


Qualaroo is designed to empower businesses to gather valuable insights from their users and customers. This tool allows you to create and deploy targeted surveys and feedback forms positioned throughout the customer journey. 

Key features

  1. Nudge™ for real-time feedback: This feature helps gather real-time feedback from customers by posing relevant questions at crucial touchpoints. 

  2. Engaging surveys with question branching: Keep users engaged through intelligent question branching, adapting to your website layout, and evolving customer interactions.

  3. Context-based customer queries: Obtain real-time answers to context-based queries by targeting customers based on actions, behavioral patterns, events, locations, browser cookies, or application data.

  4. Sentiment analysis with IBM WATSON: IBM WATSON's sentiment analysis can transform free-form text into organized data, enabling swift comprehension of mood metrics and comparison of keyword densities.


  • Focused approach to customer discovery.

  • Quick and easy survey creation with AI-based analytical tools.

  • Drastically reduces feedback analysis time.


  • Streamline multiple survey exports with a bulk action feature.

  • Lack of direct embedding of surveys into email bodies.

  • Custom charts for recording various survey metrics are absent.

  • Affordability concerns for small businesses.

  • Occasional vagueness in sentiment analysis results.

  • Generic pre-built question templates.

ProProfs Survey Maker

This software is a fully online and cost-free application dedicated to streamlining the creation, distribution, and analysis of surveys. The software simplifies processes while offering advanced features for a comprehensive survey experience.

Key features

  1. Survey creation: It can craft surveys within minutes by utilizing pre-made options, ready-to-use templates, a vast question bank with millions of questions, and a diverse array of 20+ question types.

  2. Engaging multimedia elements: Engage your audience by incorporating images, videos, graphics, and other multimedia options into your surveys. Personalize the experience by adding your brand colors and logo for a visually appealing touch.

  3. Skip logic for relevance: Eliminate redundancy with skip logic, ensuring each question remains pertinent by dynamically adapting based on the respondent's last answer.

  4. Advanced survey management: Maximize feedback quality with features like survey distribution scheduling, survey scoring, randomization, and expiry message customization.

  5. Strategic survey triggers: Optimize user engagement by employing the Smart Trigger functionality, enabling surveys to pop up at precise moments on your website. Trigger events based on specific points, elapsed time, or before a prospect leaves your platform.


  • Competitive pricing, albeit with some functional limitations.

  • Versatility for on-the-go use across multiple devices, ensuring accessibility at all times.

  • Robust analysis and reporting systems, providing valuable insights into survey data.


  • Complaints regarding poor service highlight a need for improvement in customer support.

  • Font and formatting options may revert to default settings upon launch, necessitating manual adjustments.

  • Reports lack intelligent summaries, often presenting as basic Excel sheets with customer names and responses, indicating a potential area for enhancement in data presentation.

Zonka Feedback

This customer feedback and experience management software is designed to quantify vital metrics such as CSAT (customer satisfaction), CES (customer effort score), and Net Promoter Score (NPS). It encompasses real-time feedback, profound insights, and CX automation, ensuring a holistic approach to customer engagement.

Key features

  1. Diverse survey options for varied goals: It has a range of survey types tailored to specific objectives. NPS Surveys foster customer retention, CSAT surveys track overall customer experience, and CES surveys provide valuable insights into customer service and representative performance.

  2. Multi-channel feedback collection: Secure instant feedback from diverse channels, including micro surveys, pop-ups, exit surveys, and slide-outs. This ensures context-sensitive and timely feedback, allowing seamless progress in development while staying aligned with the right direction.

  3. Intelligent automation for CX surveys: Streamline your CX survey and feedback loop with smart automation. Add contacts, segment them, and trigger email and SMS surveys based on customer groups or other customizable metrics, enhancing efficiency in engagement strategies.

  4. Real-time data access through Kiosk Mode: Access survey data in real-time even without an internet connection using the Kiosk mode. This feature proves especially beneficial in remote areas and locations with limited internet access.


  • User-friendly application with an intuitive UI, ensuring accessibility for users.

  • Offline survey options through Kiosk mode enhance flexibility, especially in remote or low-connectivity areas.

  • Good customer service, providing reliable support to users.


  • Positioned on the higher end in terms of pricing, which may be a consideration for budget-conscious users.

  • User complaints about administrators having the authority to delete user accounts suggest a need for enhanced user account management controls.

  • Setting up surveys can be somewhat tedious, lacking a drag-and-drop option for ease of use.

  • Manually typing in new questions can be time-consuming, indicating room for improvement in the survey creation process.

  • Transitional animation quality between questions is lacking, suggesting an opportunity to enhance the overall survey experience.


Feedbackify is a decent addition to the suite of customer feedback tools. It's popular for its instant feedback initiation without requiring sign-ins, It strategically minimizes feedback drop-out rates and prioritizes private and encrypted communication channels, ensuring the security of sensitive data exchanged between customers and businesses.

Key features

  1. Tailored for small and medium-sized businesses: It is specifically designed to cater to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

  2. User-friendly drag-and-drop form editing: Streamline workflows with the platform's drag-and-drop form editing support, allowing users to customize feedback forms as per their preferences.

  3. Real-time reporting for enhanced feedback management: Facilitates real-time reporting, empowering businesses with timely insights for effective feedback management and informed decision-making.

  4. Continuous feedback capture: Ensures ongoing feedback capture, recognizing the value of constantly gathering customer insights to drive continuous product improvement.

  5. Instantaneous feedback collection process: Removes barriers, eliminating the need for user registration and fostering a frictionless user experience.

  6. Feedback dashboard for real-time monitoring: It provides a real-time overview of all ongoing feedback forms, offering businesses immediate visibility into the status of customer responses.


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop form editor simplifies the customization of workflows.

  • Quick launch of feedback forms through a simple HTML link.

  • 30-second signup process with seamless integration.

  • Real-time feedback collection from website visitors enhances responsiveness.

  • Enables the creation of a customizable feedback tab through a feedback tab configurator for easy integration into mobile apps or websites.

  • Offers multiple design personalization options for a tailored user experience.


  • Limited feature availability may impact scalability for more extensive feedback management needs.

  • Some feedback forms may be perceived as overly extensive, potentially frustrating customers.

  • Interface occasionally experiences bugs, requiring attention for improved stability.

  • Not suitable for complex feedback management scenarios, limiting versatility.

  • Scalability aspects need enhancement to accommodate growing demands.

  • Falls short in terms of third-party integrations, suggesting potential areas for broader connectivity.


GetFeedback is a comprehensive customer feedback tool to create and deploy engaging and interactive surveys to swiftly and effectively gather customer sentiment. Utilizing a user-friendly drag-and-drop survey editor, it offers a vast collection of high-quality built-in surveys. It ensures a well-rounded approach by facilitating real-time feedback collection from websites, emails, and mobile apps, even extending its reach to offline settings like ATM kiosks.

Key features

  1. High-level reporting and analytics: Its reporting and analytics capabilities allow users to visualize and track customer satisfaction trends easily.

  2. Multi-channel feedback collection: It facilitates multi-channel feedback collection from a centralized hub, ensuring a streamlined and efficient feedback-gathering process.

  3. Integration with major CRM platforms: It offers strong and hassle-free integration with most major CRM platforms and customer support systems, enhancing connectivity and data synchronization.

  4. Versatile survey templates: It provides multiple survey templates for NPS, CES, CSAT, Digital Experience, and Purchase Experience, catering to diverse feedback requirements.

  5. Real-time alerts and automated push feedback: It features real-time alerts and automated push feedback, enabling proactive responses and continuous engagement with customer sentiments.


  • Automatic follow-ups to previous feedbacks ensure a closed feedback loop.

  • Customizable responses enhance the personalization of customer interactions.

  • The intuitive dashboard provides 360-degree insights and detailed analysis reports for informed decision-making.

  • An extensive question library simplifies the feedback collection process.

  • Seamless integration with popular tools like Slack, JIRA, Salesforce, and more.


  • Some integrations, notably with Salesforce, can be expensive.

  • Lack of support for video responses or screen recordings of the user.

  • Performs well on the desktop app and website but may have limitations on certain JavaScript event triggers.

  • Customization options for Customer Service Suite and HTML are not available.

  • Customer support is reported to be lackluster, indicating room for improvement in this aspect.

Want to discover more about customer service? Discover how millions are excelling with Freshworks. 


This customer feedback application offers a user-friendly package encompassing website surveys, web app and in-product surveys, email, and link-based surveys, as well as mobile application surveys for both iOS and Android platforms. With an intuitive interface, it empowers users to trigger specific surveys strategically on websites, send questionnaires via email, and engage customers across various touchpoints.

Key features

  1. Advanced dashboarding and analysis: It offers advanced dashboarding capabilities, facilitating XLS and CSV exporting and in-depth NPS analysis for comprehensive insights into customer feedback.

  2. Real-time feedback and multi-channel deployment: Excels in collecting real-time feedback, employing predictive intelligence analysis, and deploying multi-channel feedback strategies, enhancing the responsiveness of the feedback collection process.

  3. Automation of feedback collection: Enables the automation of feedback collection with recurring surveys, streamlining the continuous gathering of valuable customer insights.

  4. Brand customization: Grants users the ability to use company logos, brand theming, and customized messages, aligning surveys seamlessly with the brand image for a cohesive customer experience.

  5. Customer Service Suite customizer for webpage integration: The Customer Service Suite customizer allows users to adapt the survey's appearance to match the look and feel of any webpage, ensuring a seamless integration with the overall design.


  • Seamlessly employs multichannel customer feedback surveys.

  • Offers an extensive collection of over 400 high-quality templates for diverse feedback needs.

  • Advanced targeting features significantly boost response rates.

  • Smart integration with most major third-party tools enhances flexibility.

  • Incorporates NPS surveys to measure customer loyalty.

  • Provides the ability to use feedback widgets for enhanced engagement.


  • Competitors offer similar or more features at a comparable price point.

  • Faces limitations with a quite limited maximum response limit per month.

  • Visual representation of surveys can occasionally be inconsistent.

  • Customer service is reported to be suboptimal, indicating a need for improvement in this area.

  • The dashboard's complexity may pose challenges in understanding for some users.

  • The mobile device experience falls short of expectations, suggesting room for enhancement in this aspect.


It is a comprehensive survey tool with several features that may initially pose a challenge for new users to navigate. However, this complexity is not necessarily a drawback. Catering to both small and large businesses, it provides a diverse range of feedback question types, surpassing 15 options, including multiple-choice, Likert scales, and open comments.

Key features

  1. Mobile accessibility and synchronization: Users can seamlessly create, edit, collect responses, and analyze results on both desktop and mobile platforms. Changes made on the mobile app sync with the desktop account and vice versa.

  2. Zapier integration for survey automation: The integration with Zapier empowers users to automate the survey process, enhancing efficiency in survey management.

  3. Visual analysis options: Offers analysis options with visual representation through pie charts and graphs, ensuring clarity in result interpretation, even on mobile versions.


  • Flexibility suited for both one-off surveys and comprehensive feedback initiatives.

  • A wide selection of pre-built templates accelerates survey creation.

  • Access to pre-written questions streamlines the survey development process.

  • Plenty of sharing options, facilitating diverse outreach.

  • Simplifies obtaining responses from outside the existing user base.

  • Provides the unique ability to buy responses to augment survey participation.


  • Advanced features are expensive and confined to high-priced tiers, limiting accessibility.

  • The free version has significant limitations in terms of features.

  • It is not the optimal choice for tracking and measuring overall customer satisfaction.

  • Lacks support for real-time syncing with Google Workspace and Microsoft Office Suite.

  • The interface may not be the most welcoming and intuitive for all users.

  • Limited layout personalization options restrict customization possibilities.


HubSpot, known for its CRM and management software, also offers customer feedback software, showcasing competence in creating fully customizable customer surveys and conducting detailed analysis of feedback data to enhance the end-user experience.

Key features

  1. Effortless survey sharing: It simplifies survey sharing through email or web links, ensuring ease of access for survey participants.

  2. A comprehensive evaluation of customer loyalty: It evaluates customer loyalty effectively with pre-built Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys.

  3. Feedback dashboards and automation: It provides a variety of feedback dashboards for comprehensive insights and supports the automation of surveys, streamlining the feedback collection process.

  4. Modifiable templates and question types: It comes with a vast range of modifiable templates and a diverse collection of pre-set question types, offering flexibility in survey customization.


  • Fast and easy implementation, ensuring a quick start to the feedback collection process.

  • Feature-rich planning and scheduling of customer surveys for effective engagement.

  • Provides deep insights critical for empowering data-driven strategies.

  • Boasts advanced automation and integration capabilities for seamless workflows.

  • Offers a completely free online form builder for added versatility.


  • Certain essential features are restricted to higher-priced tiers, limiting access for all users.

  • Some presets cannot be altered or modified, reducing customization options.

  • The learning curve of the platform is relatively steep, posing a challenge for new users.

  • Reporting, especially in the realm of social reporting, could benefit from improvements.

  • Workflows and processes in customer data collection may be confusing and cumbersome for new users.

  • Customer retention and journey analysis features require refinement for enhanced effectiveness.


It is a cloud-based customer feedback and experience optimization application emphasizing the provision of granular data to create a nuanced depiction of the customer experience. Primarily tailored for market research and customer feedback analysis, it is well-suited for medium to large businesses, offering unique features like customer journey maps, data exploration, and action planning, setting it apart from its competitors.

Key features

  1. Comprehensive customer experience platform: It serves as an all-in-one customer experience platform, encompassing comprehensive reporting, direct and indirect feedback collection, and other vital features.

  2. Integration of customer retention data and sentiment analysis: It combines customer retention data with sentiment analysis, employing text analysis and more to provide a holistic understanding of customer interactions.

  3. AI-Powered feedback collection: Its Active Listening Studio feature utilizes AI-powered conversational techniques for effective and nuanced customer feedback collection.

  4. Integrations with popular platforms: It offers well-thought-out integrations with popular platforms such as Slack and Salesforce, enhancing accessibility and connectivity.

  5. Predictive customer analysis with Generative AI: It employs generative AI for predictive customer analysis, powering tools like Smart Summarization and Conversation Intelligence for advanced insights.


  • Comprehensive Customer Experience Improvement (XI) platform covering a wide array of functionalities.

  • Efficient feedback collection and analysis processes without compromising on quality.

  • Intuitive and user-friendly dashboard design, appealing to both novices and experienced users.

  • Quick and easy filters facilitate in-depth analysis of customer behavior.

  • Offers a comprehensive dashboard analysis for a holistic view of customer feedback.


  • The free version restricts running multiple types of surveys, limiting versatility.

  • Report automation is limited, potentially requiring additional manual effort.

  • May not be the optimal choice for smaller companies due to its extensive features.

  • Certain areas of the application may feel outdated, suggesting a need for modernization.

  • Setting an expiration time for surveys once sent out is not supported.

  • The configuration process can be a bit complicated, posing a challenge for some users.

Learn more about CSAT surveys.

Choosing the optimal customer feedback tool: A comprehensive guide

Your company's unique demands and objectives play a decisive role in identifying the most suitable feedback tool. Consider the following key qualities when evaluating a customer feedback tool:

  1. Usability: Opt for a customer feedback tool that not only saves time and effort but also prioritizes simplicity. Ensure that the end user, particularly the customer success team, can effortlessly navigate the tool, fully leveraging its features and user interface. Quick and straightforward installation and usage are imperative.

  2. Multi-platform feedback accumulation: Acknowledge that today's consumers engage with businesses through diverse platforms—chat, phone, social media, email, and in-person meetings. Recognize the unique perspectives each channel offers on the customer experience. A robust customer feedback tool is indispensable in this era of multi-channel feedback gathering, enabling businesses to collect comprehensive, timely, and insightful feedback for overall user experience improvement.

  3. Solid integrations: Choose a tool that is not only expandable and customizable for customer feedback but also seamlessly integrates with your existing apps. It should fill any functionality gaps and ensure that all your specifications are met. A customer feedback tool that harmoniously integrates with your current apps and technology ensures a seamless workflow, enhancing your overall software experience.

  4. Value: Price is a non-negotiable consideration when selecting a customer feedback tool. It significantly influences the tool's overall value and return on investment (ROI). Consider factors such as the type of plan, features, integrations, extended support, and more, as they can impact the software's price. Weigh the features against the price, and remember that not every feature may be beneficial. Strive for a balanced and cost-effective solution that aligns with your specific needs.

Elevate your customer experience today! Sign up now or request a demo to discover how our solutions can transform your approach to customer insights.

Frequently asked questions on customer feedback software

What are the limitations of customer feedback tools?

Customer feedback tools often face limitations such as response bias, where respondents might not provide honest answers. Additionally, they might not capture the full customer experience due to limited survey questions or the inability to gauge non-verbal cues. There's also the challenge of low response rates and the potential for data overload without adequate analysis tools.

How do you automate customer feedback software?

To automate customer feedback software, integrate it with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and other communication platforms. You can set up triggers for automatic surveys after specific interactions, like a purchase or service call. Utilize AI and machine learning to analyze responses in real-time, and set alerts for immediate follow-up on negative feedback to enhance customer experience continuously.

How do you record feedback from customers from feedback platforms?

Recording feedback from customers involves setting up a systematic process within the platform where responses are automatically captured and stored. Ensure the tool categorizes feedback for easy analysis, such as by product, service, or customer segment. Use tags and filters for quicker retrieval and review. Regularly export data for in-depth analysis and long-term tracking of trends and customer sentiment.

How do you integrate customer feedback software?

Integrating customer feedback software requires connecting it with your existing business systems, such as your CRM, sales, and support tools. Utilize APIs to ensure seamless data flow between systems. Configure the software to capture feedback at various customer journey points and ensure it aligns with your operational workflow. Regularly update integration points to accommodate new features and feedback channels as your business evolves.

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