Omnichannel Customer Support: Definition & Importance

Explore how the utilization of omnichannel customer service and strategies can be a game-changer for your business in achieving success.

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Quality customer service is required in 2024 as companies try to improve customer experiences. Providing this support is a challenging task. Customers today have much higher customer service expectations than they did 5 years ago. 

So, how can you keep pace with these rising expectations? One solution is providing omnichannel customer service. An omnichannel approach allows you to connect seamlessly with your clients across multiple channels. With the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and the ever-changing needs of modern consumers, the customer service field has experienced more evolution within the past decade than perhaps any other previous period. Omni-channel systems have played an instrumental role in this development by seamlessly integrating multiple communication channels to provide a unified support experience no matter where a customer may be.

Today, we’ll examine the role of omni-channel interaction in the modern customer support arena, how it can benefit your business, and why Freshworks Customer Service Suite is the best tool on the market for your omni-channel needs.

Explore omnichannel customer service with the Freshworks Customer Service Suite

What is omnichannel customer service?

Omnichannel customer service provides seamless service and support to your customers across multiple communication channels. With the proliferation of digital channels, companies can connect with customers in ever-increasing ways using various communication technologies.

However, having a presence on multiple channels is not enough. Your clients should be able to move effortlessly from channel to channel as they interact with your company. All relevant history and information should be available every step of the way. It’s no longer acceptable to silo information by channel or department.

In omni-channel support systems, users can communicate across a multitude of platforms like websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and more. The goal is to enable a smooth transition between channels without losing the context of conversations. For example, a customer might begin an interaction on a company's website and then switch to a social media platform while maintaining the continuity of the communication.

This ability enables consumers to connect with brands through their preferred channels, enjoying the convenience of real-time support wherever they are. It further allows businesses to gather customer data effectively in order to tailor interactions to individual preferences. This approach not only increases efficiency by streamlining support processes but also reduces friction in the customer journey. In essence, omni-channel support empowers consumers with flexibility, accessibility, and a cohesive experience, while allowing companies to meet their base on their favored platforms.

Why is having an omni channel presence important?

Omni-channel customer service provides organizations with the ability to boost user satisfaction by providing a consistent experience across distinct channels. This integration between platforms ensures a personalized and efficient interaction by providing support agents with a centralized customer profile and enhanced understanding of previous communications. 76% of individuals expect uniform interactions across departments, highlighting the importance of maintaining cohesive messaging on all channels.

Utilizing this interconnectedness, all representatives can access the same data, fostering a stable transition between platforms, while users will enjoy the freedom to effortlessly communicate through whichever channel they prefer. The introduction of AI technologies into omni-channel software further enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and allows for scalable operations, making it an increasingly popular option in today’s customer service landscape. 

Moreover, omni-channel support allows businesses to engage with consumers proactively, anticipating their needs and addressing potential issues before they escalate. Preemptive communication demonstrates a commitment to user satisfaction and reinforces loyalty by showcasing the business's dedication to their well-being.

Benefits of omnichannel customer service

Improve your customer experience

The biggest benefit to omnichannel customer service is how easily your customers can access help. When they have a question or issue, they reach out where they are most comfortable, and you respond. This helps improve the customer experience.

Reduce customer churn

Happy customers are loyal customers. And omnichannel customer support creates happy customers. When a customer can research, purchase, and troubleshoot without friction, they will be back. You show them you are there to help, and they don’t need to worry about you hitting the mark.

More sales opportunities

Omnichannel customer support enables purchases on multiple platforms. With mCommerce, people no longer need a desktop computer to shop online. They can shop easily across devices. And that means that when it’s time to buy, they can buy from you at the right time.

Fast resolution times

So many aspects of omnichannel customer service support faster resolution times. First, when you meet customers where they are, they don’t have to waste time getting to you. Then, the holistic view of your clients helps you resolve issues quickly. Chatbots can even gather initial information while the customer is connected to a live agent. In this business environment, seconds count.

The complete guide to delivering an omnichannel customer experience

What is the difference between omnichannel and multichannel customer support?

In this day and age, most companies have a presence and offer some level of support on more than one channel. However, multichannel is not the same as omnichannel customer support. Multichannel simply means customers can connect with you via more than one channel. However, there’s no guarantee, though, that information from previous interactions will be accessible on each channel. For example, they may be able to chat with an agent via Facebook Messenger, but that agent may not be able to see their purchase history or make changes to an existing order.

By contrast, an omnichannel customer service experience means that all channels can provide the same high level of service. Every channel is connected to a single source or truth that gives them access to a 360-degree view of the client and their entire history with your company. This approach helps to meet your customer expectations and improve customer relationships.

Read more about omnichannel customer service vs multi-channel support

Assessing your omnichannel service maturity

By now, most businesses have some type of presence on more than one channel. Maybe you advertise on social media, have a knowledge base or FAQs on your website, and offer support via email and call center. A first step toward an omnichannel approach is providing that seamless experience.

However, you’ll get better at this the longer you do it. You can fast-track your progress by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Tools like Freshworks Freddy AI can collect customer data and insights.

When does a business need an omnichannel customer service strategy?

Maintaining privacy and security

Although you control the safety and security of some channels, if you’re using other providers or platforms, you are subject to the quality of their security and their policies around data usage.

If your customers want to chat with you on Facebook, you need to be there. But you may not want to share all of your data with the Meta-verse. An omnichannel strategy allows you to shift channels easily after an initial contact on a less secure channel.

Moving from one channel to another

Anytime you are providing service on more than one channel, you need an omnichannel strategy. That’s because, without transparency between channels, you can’t provide equally awesome service and support at every interaction.

With an omnichannel customer experience strategy, you will have a system that provides critical 360 views to all agents, and your agents will be trained in using that system.

Common channels to target when implementing an omni channel customer service strategy

The foundation of any omni-channel support blueprint lies in determining on which channels you’ll be cultivating a presence. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here; you’ll want to conduct thorough research to discover which platforms your base is utilizing the most and plan accordingly.

Social media

Businesses can establish dedicated social media profiles across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to expand their outreach. These profiles serve as additional touchpoints where customers can ask questions or share feedback, helping to increase engagement across these commonly used channels.

AirAsia is a great example of an organization that has leveraged this route, utilizing its social media platforms to provide immediate and personalized support. By incorporating social media into their omni-channel strategy, AirAsia ensures that users can reach out via channels they already use, facilitating a more accessible customer service experience. This strategy not only allows AirAsia to engage with individuals in real-time but also demonstrates a commitment to responsiveness, contributing to overall customer satisfaction.


Email can serve as a powerful tool for proactive communication, allowing companies to distribute personalized messages based on preferences or previous interactions. For example, organizations can send targeted welcome emails to new subscribers, providing them with valuable information about products, services, and promotions. With existing users, transactional emails such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, and delivery updates are always appreciated.

Businesses can also utilize email marketing as a strategic tool to nurture relationships and promote brand loyalty. By sending targeted email campaigns with personalized content, recommendations, and exclusive offers, customers are more likely to remain engaged and commit to additional purchases. Recipients are typically segmented based on demographics, behaviors, and purchase history to deliver relevant messaging that resonates with each individual.


Mobile apps enable companies to utilize location-based services to engage with customers in real-time and drive foot traffic to physical stores. For instance, geolocation technology can be used to send personalized promotions to users when they’re in proximity to a brick-and-mortar location. Additionally, push notifications can be distributed to alert customers about order updates, promotions, or upcoming events.

Even more, by analyzing app usage patterns and engagement metrics, businesses can anticipate customer needs and personalize their offerings to increase the likelihood of purchases. In-app feedback and reviews can also be leveraged, helping organizations understand user sentiment and areas for improvement.


Chatbots are often used in omni-channel support systems by deploying them on company websites and mobile apps to provide immediate assistance. Chatbots can greet visitors, answer FAQs, guide users through offerings, and even facilitate transactions. By providing this instantaneous support, companies can enhance CX, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversion rates.

For example, Bank of America has expertly utilized its chatbot, ‘Erica,’ to assist clients with various banking-related tasks, such as checking account balances, transferring money, and providing personalized financial insights. Users are able to interact with Erica through the bank's mobile app using natural language, facilitating a more conversational and user-friendly experience. Erica has proven successful in optimizing routine customer interactions, reducing the need for human intervention and enhancing the overall CX by providing 24/7 support.

74% of users prefer interacting with chatbots when seeking answers to straightforward questions – it’s paramount that you provide them with this option to maintain satisfaction.

Physical locations

Outside of the digital landscape, organizations can also use their physical locations as components of their omni-channel approach. Consumers can browse and purchase products online, then choose to pick up their orders from a nearby store at their convenience. This omni-channel fulfillment not only provides users with enhanced flexibility, but also drives traffic to real-world stores, potentially leading to additional on-location purchases. 

Starbucks has enjoyed great success deploying this in-store approach, implementing a robust omni-channel strategy that coherently connects its mobile app, website, and on-location experiences. Customers can use the mobile app to order items in advance, customize their orders, and earn rewards, encouraging more frequent use of Starbucks’ digital systems. The app is tightly integrated with in-store operations, allowing individuals to pick up their orders without waiting in line.

Omnichannel customer service use cases and examples

Privacy and security

When a customer contacts your call center, they could be anyone. When dealing with sensitive information, you need a way to verify your identity. Omnichannel customer support can help you authenticate their identity by sending links to their already verified phone or email.

In this case, you’re using multiple channels simultaneously, which goes beyond simply providing service on social media and by email.

Extending service hours

Not every business can have a person available to pick up the phone calls or answer emails or SMS from the support team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maybe you’re just getting started and can’t staff all the shifts. Maybe you’re serving a global customer base and are leaving some of your customers on the other side of the world alone for hours at a time.

Luckily, not all channels rely on a 24/7 workforce. Chatbots are never off the clock. And they do some tasks better than even your most experienced support agents with zero wait time. They can answer basic questions with quick response time. And with an omnichannel approach, they can still personalize customer-centric service with access to a customer’s purchase and support history.

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Challenges of omnichannel customer support

Omnichannel operations pose formidable challenges for businesses dealing with intricate products, complicating various facets from sales to customer service. The intricacy of such products typically demands adept sales representatives, yet the integration of rich media like video, 3D animation, and augmented reality facilitates customer self-service options, enhancing engagement. 

The shift from traditional to digital customer service agent processes introduces hurdles such as price transparency, compelling businesses to maintain consistent information across channels to retain customers. 

Organizational impediments include disjointed inventory management and employee training issues that affect customer support quality. 

Moreover, businesses encounter difficulties in training customer-facing employees to optimize omnichannel strategies. Despite the self-service capabilities of omnichannel, ensuring well-trained personnel remains critical for delivering exceptional customer experiences, especially for complex purchases requiring personalized experience in customer interactions.

Omnichannel customer support best practices

Your omni-channel customer service software provider will do their part by providing you a well-rounded arsenal of tools to utilize, but it’ll be up to you to leverage these features to the best of their potential. Here are some basic tips to follow to ensure you’re maximizing the abilities of your system:

Research which channels you should target to best reach your audience

When determining which channels to utilize, conducting thorough customer research is essential. Companies should gather data on user preferences, behaviors, and communication habits. Surveys, interviews, and feedback forms can provide further insights into which platforms individuals favor for interacting with brands. 

Keep in mind that consumer behaviors are constantly evolving, influenced by technological advancements, market trends, and changing societal norms. Therefore, businesses should regularly review their omni-channel gameplan to ensure alignment with shifting expectations. Experimenting with new channels and testing different messaging strategies can help organizations remain competitive in today's dynamic marketplace. 

Create buyer personas

Brands should focus on creating personas that are actionable and specific. Rather than relying on broad stereotypes, they should strive to develop personas that are based on real-word insights. Each persona should include detailed information about an individual's interests, motivations, challenges, preferred communication channels, and more to provide agents with as much data to pull from as possible.

Regularly reviewing and updating buyer personas to ensure they remain relevant over time is also vital. User preferences are constantly developing and businesses should routinely analyze data, solicit feedback, and adjust their personas accordingly. By constantly keeping their profiles up-to-date, companies can ensure that their omni-channel approach remains aligned with their target audience's needs.

Optimize social media presence

Consistency and authenticity across all social media channels are key in maintaining a cohesive brand voice in all communication. Organizations should develop a content strategy that aligns with their brand values and resonates with their target audience. Also, remember to actively engage with followers by responding to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. 79% of users expect a response to their social outreach within 24 hours, so if you can’t manage this, you may want to reconsider social media’s fit in your omni-channel system.

Additionally, social media analytics can be leveraged to optimize omni-channel approaches over time. Tracking key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversion rates can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of social media efforts. By examining these metrics, businesses can identify trends, assess the performance, and refine their strategy accordingly.

Integrate with your current systems

Before implementation, management should conduct a comprehensive audit of their existing technology stack to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This includes evaluating the capabilities of current systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, e-commerce platforms, communication tools, and other relevant technologies. This assists in determining which systems need to be integrated or upgraded to support omni-channel initiatives effectively.

Investment in employee training is also critical to ensure the successful adoption of new omni-channel technologies. Customer service team members should be sufficiently educated on the benefits of the new system and trained on how to use its tools effectively. Fostering a culture of collaboration can aid in these efforts, encouraging distinct departments to work together toward achieving common omnichannel goals.

Omnichannel customer service tools & software

The main allure of omni-channel solutions lies in their ability to centralize customer information from various touchpoints into a single, unified platform. This consolidated overview allows businesses to gain a holistic understanding of each user's journey, preferences, and behaviors. By leveraging this comprehensive data, companies are able to deliver personalized and consistent experiences across all channels.

Moreover, advanced features such as automated workflows, omnichannel routing, and real-time analytics empower organizations to deliver timely messages at all stages of the customer journey. For example, omnichannel software can trigger personalized email campaigns based on website browsing behavior, send targeted push notifications to mobile app users, or initiate proactive chat engagements on social media platforms. 

Integrated features such as shared dashboards, collaborative workspaces, and real-time reporting further allow interdepartmental teams to utilize consumer insights effectively.

Click here to learn more about omnichannel customer support tools

The future of omnichannel customer service

It’s no longer enough to just show up on various channels. Today, you must show up as your best self on every one of those channels. You can get started today with a partner like Freshworks.

Frequently asked questions on omnichannel customer service

Why is omnichannel customer service necessary for businesses?

More and more customers are utilizing multiple channels across their customer journey. Omnichannel customer service connects all channels to provide a seamless and improved customer experience.

CRM software like Freshsales can be used to integrate data from different sources, such as marketing automation platforms, customer support systems, and e-commerce platforms. This allows businesses to create a single customer view, essential for providing personalized and effective customer experiences.

What are the key channels in omnichannel customer service?

This will depend on the nature of your company. A small business may need different channels than a large business. And eCommerce has different needs than manufacturing. However, common channels today include social media, call centers, chatbots, email, knowledge bases, and messaging channels.

How does omnichannel service enhance customer engagement and support?

Omnichannel service meets your customers where they are and provides better, more personalized customer experiences.

Can small businesses benefit from omnichannel customer service?

Absolutely. Omnichannel technology is increasingly affordable, allowing even the smallest business to get into the game. Platforms like Freshworks allow you to get into the game on a free plan.

What role does technology play in omnichannel customer service?

Omnichannel customer service requires a strong tech stack that fully integrates with all of your systems and tools. Otherwise, you’re just going to be chasing numbers and metrics from one platform to another.

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