Call Lifecycle: A 360-degree view into every call in your call center
Deep dive into your customer’s call journey by viewing every single event that occurs on a call.
Freshcaller’s call lifecycle feature can identify and capture close to 50 events related to incoming and outgoing calls, which gives you instant visibility into your customer’s entire call journey. Identify what led to your customer’s good or poor call experience by viewing the answer time, call handle time, total call duration, and call transfers made, etc. Combine this information with the Freshcaller’s call recording and post-call transcription features to get complete visibility into your call center operations.
See how your call flows play out in real-time by looking at the call lifecycle. For example, if a customer was put on a wait queue, you can analyze how effective was the wait queue mechanism by checking when the caller entered the wait queue or what happened when the maximum wait queue time exceeded. You can use this comprehensive data to audit and improve your call flows and service level targets.
Give your supervisors and admins the power to track and evaluate an agent’s performance quickly. It is now easy to identify who missed/ignored those critical calls or how long an agent took to resolve an issue. This serves as valuable information for training your agents and addressing performance gaps.
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