Music On Hold to make waiting less unpleasant

Music On Hold is the customized message or brand music that you hear when your call is put on hold. You can configure it inside a cloud phone system that you use to talk to your customers. Companies can utilize the Music On Hold option in different ways to engage with their customers as they wait for their calls to be answered. You can either simply play pleasant music, or your brand promotion, or share any important information with them. Hold music is generally easily customizable or available as defaults to choose from within the Voip phone system.

Benefits of using Music On Hold for your phone channel


Provide useful product information 

Announce new & exciting product launches, answer FAQs & share details about your services. Make your customers feel their time is valued by sharing useful information during the hold time. Hold music is easily customizable where you can upload mp4 files or directly record personalized messages from within Freshcaller .







Provide useful product information with music on hold Provide useful product information with music on hold


Save your customer calls from being abandoned 

Customers often lose patience when their calls are put on hold. To retain them & ensure they stay on the line, a dead pause or boring music may not work in your favor. Instead entertain them with interesting customer testimonials, feedback & other engaging content in the form of messages along with some good music.








Save your customer calls from being abandoned with music on hold Save your customer calls from being abandoned with music on hold


Play promotional messages & build brand value

We know you understand that it’s all about reaching the right audience. If done right, hold time is a golden opportunity to engage a prospect. Play your promotional messages, announce exciting discounts to a highly relevant audience pool. It’s a great way to launch your best low-budget marketing campaigns.

Play promotional messages & build brand value with music on hold Play promotional messages & build brand value with music on hold

Freshcaller on-call capabilities for your phone team

Number Masking

Agents can increase answer rates by masking their phone numbers with a local number.

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Voicemail Greetings

Callers can leave you a voicemail in case you do not have the luxury of a backup phone team.

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Pause Recordings

Agents can pause and resume call recording when customers share sensitive information.

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Call Transfer

Agents can easily transfer calls to another agent/expert to facilitate quick resolutions.

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Call Tags

Agents can filter and identify based on the outcome of your calls using relevant call tags.

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External Number Conferencing

Help improve answer rates by masking your phone number with a local number.

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Why Customers love Freshcaller