IT modernization

Automate and simplify operations. Give leaders insights. Serve employees on their preferred channels. Increase agility and manage risks. This is scalable, AI-driven IT.


Want a high-performing team? Just add AI.

Streamline employee experiences, unify service management, and automate services across departments. With a modernized IT platform, you have the ability to scale with ease.


Your workflow, with more flow

Free your team to work on bigger issues: Workflow Automator sweeps away mundane tasks and helps set up multi-level Change Advisory Board approvals, employee on- and offboarding, user provisioning including third-party apps, and asset allocation and recovery processes.


Turn numbers into knowledge

Get quick and easy data analysis for everyone with built-in and customizable dashboards, reports, and widgets. Assess SLA, project, ticket, and other data in an AI-powered, no-code platform that can generate charts and provide guidance at a command.


Anywhere, anytime support

Manage tickets, keep tabs on change updates, and track assets. You can also manage alerts and approvals and view on-call schedules. The Freshservice modern mobile apps will keep your support team moving 24/7, at your desk or on the go.

Explore more capabilities

Empower users, manage risk, and offer support across channels, with capabilities for modernized IT to serve the whole enterprise.


Modernize your IT today

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