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A walkthrough of the basics of IT asset management

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As organizations rely heavily on technology for productivity and innovation, managing IT assets efficiently is important for staying competitive and secure. IT assets are important in enabling collaboration, powering strategic initiatives, and more. However, being able to use the full potential of these assets requires effective management.

What is IT Asset Management (ITAM)?

IT asset management (ITAM) is a comprehensive approach to managing an organization's IT assets throughout their lifecycle. This process involves identifying, tracking, and managing hardware, software, and digital assets to optimize their use, minimize costs, and ensure compliance with licensing and regulatory requirements.

What is an IT Asset?

An IT asset refers to any hardware, software, or digital resource that is owned or managed by an organization to support its information technology infrastructure and operations. This includes tangible items such as computers, servers, networking equipment, mobile devices, and peripherals, as well as intangible assets like software licenses, applications, databases, and digital content.

Why is IT Asset Management Important?

Effective IT asset management (ITAM) plays a crucial role in modern businesses by ensuring efficient utilization, tracking, and optimization of IT resources.

1. Centralized asset information

Centralized asset information is the practice of consolidating and organizing all relevant data and details related to an organization's IT assets in a single, centralized repository. This repository serves as a comprehensive database containing crucial information about hardware, software, licenses, warranties, maintenance schedules, usage history, and other pertinent details. The primary benefit of centralized asset information is the holistic view and complete visibility it offers into the organization's IT infrastructure.

2. Eliminate wastage

Eliminating wastage leads to cost savings by reducing unnecessary spending on underutilized or redundant IT assets. By identifying and addressing areas of wastage, businesses can optimize their IT budget allocation, ensure resources are allocated efficiently, and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with unused licenses, software, or hardware.

3. Boost productivity

Boosting productivity enables employees to access the right tools and resources they need to perform their tasks efficiently. By ensuring that IT assets are well-managed, maintained, and readily available, organizations can minimize downtime, technical disruptions, and performance issues, allowing employees to focus on their work and enhance overall productivity.

4. Support teams across the organization

ITAM can help support all teams across an organization by providing centralized asset information, ensuring compliance with licensing agreements, optimizing asset usage, and facilitating efficient procurement and maintenance processes, ultimately enhancing productivity and collaboration across teams

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How does an IT Asset Management process work?

The effective management of IT assets is vital for organizations to optimize their technology investments, enhance operational efficiency, and mitigate risks associated with asset management. 

Inventory assets

Effective IT asset management means creating a comprehensive inventory of your assets. This means cataloging hardware, software, and digital resources, as well as how they are used, where they are located, who is responsible for their upkeep, and their price. 

Lifecycle costs

Understanding the lifecycle costs of IT assets is important for budgeting and allocating resources, as well as making sure your inventory is up-to-date and accurate. Lifecycle costs refer to the various costs associated with IT assets throughout their lifecycle, such as maintenance and disposal costs. 


Effective tracking mechanisms help to maintain accountability and compliance within ITAM. By tracking assets, organizations can prevent loss, theft, and unauthorized usage while ensuring regulatory compliance is met. Tracking aims to anticipate potential challenges and opportunities and monitor important aspects like contact terms, license agreements, and warranty expirations.


Proactive maintenance is key to minimizing asset disruptions and prolonging asset lifespans. Conduct regular inspections and address issues quickly with repair processes to avoid any potential problems and optimize asset performance. ITAM tools can track maintenance activities so that the performance of an asset can be analyzed. 

Financial planning

Financial planning encompasses budget forecasting, cost optimization strategies, and investment prioritization. It is important to align IT costs with business objectives and conduct financial analysis to identify cost-saving opportunities. Understanding data on IT assets, their lifecycles, and associated costs means organizations can budget to sustain or enhance service levels of important assets.

Learn IT asset management best practices

Here are some best practices to help you streamline your ITAM processes and maximize the value of your IT assets:

  • Comprehensive Asset Inventory: Create a comprehensive inventory of all IT assets across your organization. This includes hardware assets such as computers, servers, networking devices, and mobile devices, as well as software assets like licenses, applications, databases, and digital content. 

  • Asset Lifecycle Management: Implement a structured approach to managing the lifecycle of IT assets from acquisition to disposal. This includes asset identification, procurement, deployment, maintenance, upgrades, tracking, retirement, and disposal. 

  • Asset Tracking and Monitoring: Use asset tracking tools and systems to monitor asset usage, track asset movement, and status changes, and ensure compliance with licensing agreements and regulatory requirements. Conduct regular audits and assessments to verify asset data accuracy, identify discrepancies, and address any issues proactively.

  • Optimized Asset Utilization: Monitor usage patterns, identify underutilized or overutilized assets, and make informed decisions about asset allocation, upgrades, maintenance, and retirement. 

  • Software License Management: Track software licenses, monitor license usage, manage license agreements, and ensure compliance with licensing terms and conditions. 

  • Security and Compliance: Ensure IT assets are secure, protected against cyber threats, and compliant with security policies, standards, and regulations. Implement security measures such as encryption, access controls, patch management, and regular vulnerability assessments to mitigate security risks and vulnerabilities.

  • Documentation and Reporting: Maintain detailed documentation of IT assets, asset-related activities, changes, incidents, and issues. Generate regular reports and analytics to track asset performance, costs, usage trends, compliance status, and ROI.

What are the stages of an IT asset lifecycle?

From asset acquisition to disposal, each stage in the IT asset lifecycle plays a crucial role in optimizing asset utilization, ensuring compliance, and driving value for your organization. 


The planning stage includes defining asset requirements, budgeting, identifying vendors or suppliers, and developing procurement strategies. During this stage, organizations assess their current IT infrastructure, evaluate business needs, and align asset investments with organizational goals and priorities. 


The acquiring stage includes vendor selection, negotiating contracts, purchasing hardware, software licenses, and related services, as well as receiving and deploying assets within the organization. 


The commissioning stage of the IT asset lifecycle includes activities such as configuring hardware and software, installing necessary updates or patches, testing asset functionality, and ensuring compatibility with existing systems and networks. 


The maintenance stage involves activities to ensure the optimal performance, reliability, and longevity of IT assets throughout their operational lifespan. 

  • Regular maintenance: Conducting scheduled maintenance tasks such as hardware inspections, software updates, firmware upgrades, and system optimizations to keep assets functioning optimally.

  • Proactive monitoring: Monitoring asset performance, health, and usage metrics to detect potential issues, identify trends, and address performance bottlenecks or anomalies promptly.

  • Troubleshooting and support: Providing technical support, troubleshooting assistance, and resolving asset-related issues reported by users or detected through monitoring tools.

  • Security updates: Applying security patches, updates, and configurations to protect assets from vulnerabilities, cyber threats, malware, and unauthorized access.

  • Compliance Checks: Ensuring assets comply with licensing agreements, regulatory requirements, industry standards, and internal IT policies through regular audits and assessments.


The retirement stage involves the planned decommissioning, disposal, or retirement of IT assets that have reached the end of their useful life or are no longer needed within the organization. 

  • Asset decommissioning: Removing IT assets from active use, disconnecting them from networks, and disabling access to prevent unauthorized use.

  • Data sanitization: Securely erasing sensitive data from storage devices and ensuring data privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Asset disposal: Disposing of retired assets in an environmentally friendly and compliant manner, following established disposal policies.

  • Asset redistribution: Assessing retired assets for potential reuse or repurposing within the organization, such as reallocating hardware to other departments or repurposing software licenses for new projects.

  • Documentation and reporting: Updating asset records, documenting retirement activities, recording disposal methods, and generating disposal certificates or reports for auditing and compliance purposes.

IT asset management (ITAM) vs. IT service management (ITSM)

IT asset management is about overseeing IT assets throughout their lifecycles, whereas IT service management (ITSM) focuses on administering and delivering IT services efficiently.

ITSM includes a range of activities within an organization, from the planning and implementation of IT services to their ongoing monitoring and auditing to ensure optimal functionality and performance. These services cover support functions like help desks, service desks (which handle tasks like guiding users through password changes), and change management processes, which involve efficiently managing alterations to IT infrastructure.

ITSM encompasses ITAM within its scope. Asset and configuration management represent just a few of the many processes under ITSM, with a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) serving as a centralized tool for managing an organization's IT assets and their interrelationships.

Getting started in IT asset management with Freshservice

Freshservice is the feature-rich IT asset management solution from Freshworks. With Freshservice, you can: 

  • Build a backbone for efficient service delivery with complete visibility into your on-premise and cloud infrastructure with IT Asset Management software.

  • Build a multi-source CMDB for all your hardware, software, and SaaS using our out-of-the-box discovery solutions and real-time connectors with leading discovery solutions, identity providers, and endpoint management tools.

  • Leverage a single, unified platform to manage your asset’s lifecycle to enhance IT governance with a tightly coupled service delivery engine and to reduce IT costs by improving asset life with proactive maintenance.

  • Perform efficient change deployments and accurate root cause analyses by precisely gauging upstream and downstream impact. 

  • Empower your asset managers to automate all repeatable processes by eliminating rote, manual processes across your assets’ lifecycle and by automating and performing actions directly on the tools you use with the orchestration center.

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