18 Chatbot best practices to enhance CX

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Ready to harness the power of chatbots? Get started on a journey to enhance your customer experience with the help of technology. As chatbots become crucial in customer service, mastering their technology is key to unlocking their full potential.

In this ultimate guide, we dive into the pivotal best practices in maximizing chatbot efficiency and effectiveness. From understanding nuances to perfecting responses, each insight offers a stepping stone toward transforming your customer interactions. 

Join us in exploring these strategies, tailored to elevate your customer experience to new heights with Freshworks.

Successful chatbot use cases across the industry

Chatbots are revolutionizing business-customer interactions. Learn how different industries are using chatbots to elevate customer experiences and drive growth.

eCommerce and retail

In the ecommerce and retail sectors, chatbots have become virtual shopping assistants. They're offering product recommendations, guiding customers through their purchasing journey, and handling inquiries with a swiftness that's changing the game. This innovation is doing more than just easing shopping — it's turbocharging sales and forging stronger customer loyalty.

Travel / hospitality

In travel and hospitality, chatbots are emerging as digital travel companions. They provide real-time updates, assist with bookings, and offer personalized recommendations. It's about making the traveler's journey smoother and more enjoyable, enhancing the overall travel experience from start to finish.

Financial services

Chatbots in financial services are revolutionizing the way customers manage their finances. They're tackling everything from routine account inquiries to complex transaction support, delivering quick and accurate responses that build customer trust and satisfaction.


In the education sector, chatbots are taking on the role of digital academic advisors. They streamline processes, offer quick answers to frequently asked questions, and enhance student engagement. It's about making the educational journey smoother and more accessible for students and educators alike.


Enterprises are utilizing chatbots to automate internal workflows and customer support, improving efficiency and reducing operational costs. They're handling routine queries, freeing up human talent to tackle more complex challenges, driving efficiency, and cutting operating costs.


For small and medium businesses (SMBs), chatbots are emerging as the go-to solution for scaling customer support and enhancing customer interactions. They're managing high volumes of queries without needing a large customer service team, supporting business growth and efficiency.

Essential chatbot best practices

Elevating your AI chatbot from functional to phenomenal hinges on embracing core chatbot best practices. These guidelines span from design and user experience to integration, success metrics, and effective management.

Determine your target audience

The key to a successful AI chatbot is understanding your primary user base. Tailoring your chatbot's functionalities and responses to meet your audience's specific needs and preferences is crucial. It’s about ensuring that each chatbot conversation thoughtfully aligns with users' needs, making every interaction uniquely resonant.

Identify the problems you want to solve with chatbots

Focus on the pain points your customers encounter. How can your chatbot step in with effective solutions? Whether it's offering instant support or implementing automation for routine tasks, your chatbot should be adept at easing customer pain points and streamlining their experience.

Establish your chatbot KPIs

Set clear, measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track your chatbot's effectiveness. These might include metrics like customer satisfaction scores, resolution rates, and response times. Monitoring these KPIs sheds light on your chatbot's performance and highlights areas for improvement, ensuring it continually meets users' needs.

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Pick a goal that the chatbot can achieve

Define clear, attainable objectives for your chatbot. Consider your customers' most significant needs. Whether it’s enhancing response times, managing frequent queries, or guiding them through processes, focus on areas where automation can make a substantial impact. Addressing these key concerns can markedly improve customer satisfaction.

When setting goals, consider:

  • What barriers are preventing my customers from having an optimal experience?

  • Where are users most likely to disengage on my website?

  • What aspects of customer service can be automated to better meet my users' needs?

Answering these questions will help you set specific goals for your chatbot, ensuring it addresses real user challenges and enriches the knowledge base it draws from.

Design your chatbot’s tone of voice

Your chatbot is more than a tool — it's an extension of your brand's voice. Crafting the right tone for your chatbot is about mirroring your brand's personality and ensuring each conversation feels human and relatable. This involves analyzing past customer interactions and building conversational flows replicating successful communication patterns.

For AI chatbots, utilizing NLP (Natural Language Processing) is key to adapting and providing more human-like responses. With rule-based chatbots, ensuring each scripted response reflects your brand's voice is essential — maintaining consistency and relatability in customer interactions.

Set up your chatbot's greeting

First impressions matter, and your chatbot's greeting is the digital handshake with your customer. It needs to be more than just warm and welcoming — it needs to be a clear window into what your chatbot can and can't do. Think of it as a friendly guidepost, setting the stage for what lies ahead in the conversation. This upfront clarity manages expectations and builds the foundation for a productive interaction.

Make it immediately clear how your chatbot can help

Transparency isn't just a buzzword — it's your chatbot's guiding principle. From the get-go, your chatbot should lay its cards on the table, clearly outlining its capabilities and how it can assist. This isn’t just about being helpful — it’s about being straightforward, ensuring users know exactly what to expect and how to get the most out of their chatbot experience.

Find a balance between the human and the robotic nature of your chatbot

Your AI chatbot needs to walk the fine line between being approachable and being transparently artificial. It's like having a friendly robot — one that's personable yet honest about its non-human nature. This balance is achieved through thoughtful design, like choosing the right avatar or name and scripting an introduction that gently reminds users they’re speaking with a digital assistant. It’s about building trust through honesty and setting realistic expectations.

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Design the right fallback message

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all chatbots can answer every question. That's where a well-crafted fallback message comes in. It’s your chatbot's way of saying, "I may not have all the answers, but I can still help you find what you need." Whether it's redirecting to a human agent or offering alternative support options, the fallback message is about keeping the conversation helpful and fluid.

Don’t expect the chatbot to solve every query

Chatbots are powerful, but they're not omniscient. Recognizing this limitation is crucial. When faced with a query outside its realm, your chatbot should gracefully route the request to a human agent. It’s not about admitting defeat — it’s about ensuring the customer always has a path to the support they need, maintaining a seamless service flow.

Use the right format to get your message across

In the world of chatbots, one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to communication. It’s about matching the message with the medium. Simple queries? Text might do. More complex information? Bring in the big guns like videos, images, or even playful elements like emojis and GIFs. This variety isn’t just for show — it’s about engaging users in a way that resonates, keeping the conversation lively and effective.

Don’t leave behind your global audiences

In today's global village, your chatbot needs to be a polyglot. Offering support in multiple languages isn't just being considerate — it's smart business. It’s about speaking your customers' language, quite literally, and making them feel seen and understood. With the ability to communicate in over 35 languages, modern chatbots can connect with a diverse audience, breaking down barriers and building relationships.

Integrate with messaging channels that your customers use

Engaging your customers means joining them in their digital comfort zones. With the majority active on social media and messaging apps, integrating your chatbot into these platforms positions you right at the heart of their digital world. This move is about more than following digital trends; it's about embedding your chatbot into spaces where conversations naturally flow, ensuring user queries are addressed in a setting they find familiar and comfortable.

Use chatbots to collect information

The era of static forms is over. Chatbots represent a new, dynamic approach to information gathering, engaging users in a friendly, conversational manner. This user-friendly approach not only keeps visitors engaged on your page but also seamlessly integrates data collection into natural conversations, aligning with the chatbot's goals to provide value while gathering crucial insights.

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Beta test your chatbot

Consider beta testing as the crucial fine-tuning stage for your chatbot, especially its conversational AI capabilities. Ironing out any issues is essential to ensure it's equipped to handle real-world interactions seamlessly. This testing phase is key to fine-tuning your chatbot's ability to understand and respond to user queries effectively, preparing it for a successful launch.

Collect feedback in real-time

In the chatbot universe, real-time feedback is invaluable for continuous improvement. This process is like an ongoing, productive dialogue with your users, garnering insights into the effectiveness of the chatbot's conversational AI and user interface. Actively collecting and applying this feedback is crucial for refining the chatbot, ensuring it remains in step with users' evolving needs and expectations.

Measure the resolution rate of the bot

The resolution rate of your chatbot is a key indicator of its effectiveness. Think of it as a report card, showing how well your chatbot handles its responsibilities. Tracking this rate sheds light on the bot’s efficiency, guiding further training and improvements.

Optimize your chatbot based on data

Data-driven optimization isn’t just a strategy — it’s the lifeline for your chatbot’s continuous evolution. Analyzing your chatbot's performance, understanding user interactions, and leveraging this data for improvements ensures your chatbot stays relevant and effective. It’s about evolving with your customers and making sure your chatbot remains a valuable player in your customer service team.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Navigating the chatbot landscape can be tricky, and certain missteps can throw a wrench in the works. Being clued up on these common blunders is your first line of defense in steering clear of them:

  • Overloading the bot: It's tempting to want your chatbot to be a jack-of-all-trades, but overloading it with tasks beyond its design can backfire. Keep it within its wheelhouse, and let it gradually level up as it learns and adapts. Think of it as a specialist, not a generalist.

  • Neglecting user experience: An AI chatbot with the complexity of a labyrinth is a surefire way to frustrate users. It needs to be as intuitive as a friendly conversation. Regular tweaks and refinements, guided by user feedback, are essential. Keep it simple, keep it smart.

  • Ignoring testing and feedback: Launching a chatbot without rigorous testing is like stepping onto a stage without rehearsal. Continuous testing and incorporating user feedback are the rehearsal sessions your chatbot needs to shine.

  • Lack of personalization: If your chatbot feels like it’s talking to everyone and no one at the same time, it’s time to inject some personalization. Tailor those conversations to make each interaction feel like a one-on-one chat, not a broadcast.

  • Failing to update content: Outdated info in chatbot responses is like serving expired milk – it leaves a bad taste. Keep the content fresh and relevant to maintain credibility and user satisfaction.

  • Underestimating the importance of data security: In an age where data is gold, protecting user information is non-negotiable. Robust data security isn't just a feature — it's a foundational requirement. Compromising on this can erode trust in a heartbeat.

By sidestepping these pitfalls, your chatbot becomes more than just a tool — it becomes a reliable and effective ambassador for enhancing customer experiences.


Chatbots are emerging as pivotal tools in the dynamic world of customer service. They serve as your brand's digital ambassadors, actively shaping and transforming the customer journey. The path to a successful chatbot is paved with understanding your audience, crystal-clear objectives, and an unwavering commitment to testing and feedback.

But remember, a chatbot is not set in stone. It's a dynamic entity, evolving and growing with your business and customer needs. Steering clear of common pitfalls like overlooking user experience and neglecting personalization ensures that your chatbot remains a valuable asset for your customers.

Dive deeper into the chatbot universe and discover how Freshworks' features can elevate your customer experience. Embrace the chatbot revolution and take your customer engagement strategy to new heights with Freshchat.


What are the 4 types of chatbots?

In the world of chatbots, variety is key. First, Scripted or Quick Reply Chatbots are designed to follow pre-set rules and scripts, offering users specific response options. Then, Intelligent or AI chatbots come into play, employing artificial intelligence to understand and respond to queries more fluidly. Transactional AI chatbots are task-oriented and handle specific actions like booking or purchasing. Lastly, Conversational chatbots aim for a natural, human-like interaction, often blending AI with scripted elements.

What's the best strategy when creating a chatbot?

Creating a chatbot that hits the mark involves a clear vision of its purpose, whether it’s for customer support or sales. Knowing your audience is crucial to tailor the chatbot’s style and functions. An intuitive user interface ensures a smooth user experience while integrating AI and machine learning adds sophistication. Continuous testing and updating content keep the AI chatbot relevant and efficient.

What makes a successful chatbot?

Success in a chatbot is measured by its ability to engage users effectively. This means having an easy-to-use interface, providing accurate and relevant responses, and personalizing chats based on user data. Quick resolution of queries, the ability to learn and improve over time, and offering an option to escalate to human agents when necessary are key factors defining a successful AI chatbot.

Do chatbots need to be trained?

Yes, training is essential for AI chatbots, especially those driven by AI. Training involves enhancing the chatbot’s understanding of human language and refining its response accuracy. It’s a continuous process that keeps the chatbot updated with new information and scenarios, ensuring it remains effective and relevant in handling various user requests.

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