Online businesses often sell their products and services to customers around the world. They are serving customers within a global marketplace. 

That’s why customers are likely to come from more countries than just the one you operate out of. You can’t guarantee that these customers are going to communicate in English or whatever the dominant language of your country might be. 

If you want your business to be truly global, you need to reach customers in their native language. You must speak to them on their terms. 

Businesses often use chatbots to provide a better standard of customer service to their customers. When a customer converses with a bot in their preferred language, they are more likely to make a purchase. 

Companies are already using live chat translation to speak with foreign customers. Deploying a multilingual chatbot is the natural next step. In this article, we’ll look at how multilingual chatbots can serve your business and how to build one into your customer service platform.

Multilingual Chatbots Multilingual Chatbots

What is a multilingual chatbot?

A multilingual chatbot is an AI-powered virtual assistant that can converse with customers in multiple languages instead of simply defaulting to English. Until now, businesses had to build a separate chatbot to have the ability to converse in different languages. Hiring agents who speak multiple different languages can be costly. Multilingual chatbots are naturally equipped to handle diverse languages.

A single chatbot can handle several languages and toggle between them, depending on the customer's needs. Customers can interact with your chatbot in their native language, streamlining the support experience. The chatbot either detects the language the customer is using in the browser, or customers can choose the language they wish to converse in. 

A multilingual chatbot is essential when a company operates globally and wishes to provide self-service support. The chatbot doesn’t simply translate the language used in the conversation. It’s also sensitive to the customer’s culture and locale. This is where true chatbot localization comes into play. 

Multilingual chatbots can also serve multiple customers at the same time, conserving your human resources for those customers who really need it. 

Multilingual Chatbots Multilingual Chatbots

Why do companies need a multilingual chatbot? 

Multilingual chatbots feel like the dream solution to your localization problems. And yet, many companies face hurdles when implementing chatbots. It’s not always simple to get started, and businesses may lack the knowledge necessary for understanding where to begin. 

It might take a lot of effort to build a multilingual chatbot. Your company may not have the time and resources it takes to deploy the bot. Since they already offer traditional support channels like phones and emails, companies aren’t motivated to expand their service. 

Maybe your company already has a chatbot that speaks English. Even creating a chatbot in a single language is a hefty investment. Businesses may be unwilling to devote extra hours to install multiple languages on new chatbots. Every time you have to update your content, you will have to make changes in every language to keep it current. 

Businesses may not have heard of the latest technology that will help them easily build a multilingual chatbot

When you use a multilingual chatbot technology like Freshchat at, you overcome these challenges by quickly and easily localizing your chatbot for different customer bases.

Benefits of a multilingual chatbot

Why do companies need a multilingual chatbot? 

Multilingual chatbots feel like the dream solution to your localization problems. And yet, many companies face hurdles when implementing chatbots. It’s not always simple to get started, and businesses may lack the knowledge necessary for understanding where to begin. 

It might take a lot of effort to build a multilingual chatbot. Your company may not have the time and resources it takes to deploy the bot. Since they already offer traditional support channels like phones and emails, companies aren’t motivated to expand their service. 

Maybe your company already has a chatbot that speaks English. Even creating a chatbot in a single language is a hefty investment. Businesses may be unwilling to devote extra hours to install multiple languages on new chatbots. Every time you have to update your content, you will have to make changes in every language to keep it current. 

Businesses may not have heard of the latest technology that will help them easily build a multilingual chatbot

When you use a multilingual chatbot technology like Freshchat at, you overcome these challenges by quickly and easily localizing your chatbot for different customer bases.

Building a multilingual chatbot in Freshchat

Freshchat is a modern messaging software that allows you to build custom bots that offer smarter conversations and serve your customers. 

With Freshchat, you are not restricted to building the bot in just one language. You can offer multiple languages using multilingual flows. The chatbot supports 54 languages that you can configure to help your customers in their native tongue. 

It’s easy to configure Freshchat in multiple languages. Freshchat allows you to set up a multilingual chatbot by adding your primary and secondary languages to the bot builder. Your primary language is the most commonly understood language spoken by your customers. Secondary languages are the extra languages you wish to accommodate with your bot, including languages such as Arabic, English, French, Tamil, Assamese, Bengali etc.

Freschchat also has built-in language detection. You can instruct the bot to change the language in the following two ways: 

multilingual chatbots multilingual chatbots

Bot builder’s multilingual flows can be set up to provide different languages for your customers. In the Flows section of Freshchat, you simply pick the required languages from a drop-down menu. You download the bot script to obtain the bot flows in your account's primary language. Your downloaded file contains all the flows that you have created in your primary language.

Next, it’s a simple case of replacing all the text in your primary account language with translations in the language you want to provide for your customers. You can upload the updated file to the correct language when your translations are finished.

Freshchat chatbot is easy to deploy without any coding experience or technical knowledge. It includes a no-code visual chatbot builder so that anyone can build a chatbot in no time.

multilingual chatbot manage languages multilingual chatbot manage languages

Get started with multilingual chatbots

Offering your customers multilingual support is no longer optional or a nice-to-have. If your business wants to stay relevant and ahead of the curve, you should be thinking about investing in a multilingual chatbot. Artificial intelligence has now developed to the point where customers can have realistic conversations with their bots. 

Chatbots not only make it easier for your business to serve a large customer base in their preferred language without expanding your support team, but they improve the overall customer experience. You’ll attract new customers, and they’ll be happier with your offering. 

Self-service is expected nowadays by customers who just want answers to simple questions during their shopping experience. Obtaining answers in just a few clicks is preferable to waiting for a live human agent. 

Without a multilingual chatbot, your company is missing out on vital opportunities to increase sales and outshine your competitors.

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