What are live chat scripts?

Live chat scripts are prewritten conversation initiators that can help agents respond faster via chat. These ready-to-use live chat scripts can provide a consistent tone across customer-facing interactions that aligns with your brand’s messaging and style.

Live chat representatives are steadily becoming the face of businesses. Be it a long-time customer or a brand-new lead, your live chat team is responsible for making a great first impression on website visitors. To delight customers, representatives need to be quick with their responses while being professional, friendly, and approachable. This effort is relatively easy to sustain during the early stages of using live chat as a channel. But as businesses start receiving high-volume messages, using live chat scripts in customer conversations can help manage this demand in a practical and timely way. Check out our live chat software guide to understand how to use live chat scripts to improve customer service and engagement.

Unlock the potential of chat scripts for engaging customer conversations

Chat scripts function as guides for representatives to get the ball rolling in conversations. But chat scripts can also double up as proactive messages in high-performing pages. You can use these messages to start conversations with website visitors even before they reach out to you. This way customers feel valued and heard. 

Chat scripts can also be used to build chatbot workflows and bolster automation through chatbot templates. These scripts can be used to automate routine conversations that don’t need human supervision. With the help of chatbots, every customer is attended to, and wait times are drastically reduced. Here are some resources we've built to help you get creative with your chat scripts in ways that fit your business needs.

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Scripts for greeting a visitor

Greeting the visitor Greeting the visitor


Make your first impressions last, no matter who reaches out to you via chat, have an appropriate response ready for them.

Make it personal and familiar.


How to offer a general greeting
How to greet repeat visitors
How to pick up the conversation where you left off
How to let the customer know the chat transcript is used for review

Requesting live assistance

live assistance live assistance


Sometimes, it’s just easier to help the customer by getting into their shoes. Virtually, that translates to requesting a screen share. This could mean you request access to control their screen or simply request a screen share to see what they are looking at. Customers may be apprehensive about transferring control, and it is the agent’s responsibility to assure the safety of their information.


How to request for co-browsing
How to request the customer to share their screen

Co-browsing is a game-changing feature for support teams.

Find about more about it now.

Apologizing to the visitor

apologizing apologizing


Nobody’s perfect and customers understand that. But, it’s important to apologize when there’s a mistake or miscommunication. That level of thoughtfulness will go a long way with your customer. 


How to apologize for a problematic situation
How to apologize for being unable to meet a request
How to take responsibility for a mistake
How to forward a request to the manager

Chat scripts for difficult conversations

difficult conversation difficult conversation


We’ve all been there. Some circumstances warrant sensitive conversations. During such times, it’s important to be empathetic yet clear. 


How to politely say no to the customer
How to handle angry customers
How to say ‘I don’t know’

Chat scripts for transferring the chat

tranferring the chat tranferring the chat


Website visitors may have to be redirected to another team or the agent. This could be because their question pertains to another team or requires an agent with a different specialization. Customers sometimes ask for a specific agent to continue a prior conversation. Keep these scripts handy for those moments.


How to suggest transfer
How to transfer
How to transfer to a specific agent
How to point to the right person

Find out how you can use proactive messages to trigger promotional information.

Chat scripts for putting the customer on hold

putting on hold putting on hold


With high volumes of conversations, small teams of live chat agents are bound to find it difficult to talk to multiple visitors at the same time. It’s important to tell the customer that the chat channel is busy currently and an agent will be right with them in a few minutes.


How to put the conversation on hold
How to hold for long wait times
How to thank the customer for waiting

If you face this problem on a regular basis try out the following options:

  • Enable the response expectation feature to let the customer know how quickly an agent will reply to them. 

  • Integrate bots to handle routine and repetitive task queries. Chatbots eliminate wait times. 

Chat scripts to ask for more information

ask for more information ask for more information


To get the complete picture of the customer's query, you might have to ask them for more information. This information can sometimes be sensitive or private. Here’s how you can ask your customers for more information.


How to verify information
How to ask for sensitive information
How to ask address and location
How to find out how the visitor found out about you
How to find out why the customer wants to cancel their subscription
How to handle unresponsive customers 

Chat scripts for sending promotional information

artboard 1 copy 26 2x artboard 1 copy 26 2x


Live chat isn’t just a customer service channel, with the chat widget present on every page, it makes for an effective sales tool as well. Simplify the purchase process for the buyer. Just like how an assistant would offer help in a retail store, you can help online visitors to find what they are looking for using live chat. This can in turn become a sale for you. 


How to find out what the visitor is looking for
How to respond to a request for a demo 
How to introduce a visitor to your product
How to upsell to a customer
How to remind the customer to complete their purchase


Find out how you can use proactive messages to trigger promotional information.

Chat scripts for sales conversations

artboard 1 copy 25 2x artboard 1 copy 25 2x


Live chat isn’t just a customer service channel, with the chat widget present on every page, it makes for an effective sales tool as well. Simplify the purchase process for the buyer. Just like how an assistant would offer help in a retail store, you can help online visitors to find what they are looking for using live chat. This can in turn become a sale for you. 


How to share upcoming promotional information
How to tell the visitor about an ongoing offering
How to respond to inactive promotions
How to ask for contact details to send promotional offers

Chat scripts to thank customers

thanking the customer thanking the customer


Appreciation and gratitude go a long way with customers. Thank your customers for reaching out and taking the time to talk to you. The more you make your website visitors feel valued, the more likely they are to come back for more. And more importantly, they will advocate for you and bring new customers as well. 


How to say thank you at the end of the conversation
How to thank the customer for unresolved solutions
How to reply when the customer thanks you

Chat scripts to request feedback

feedback request feedback request


Requesting feedback is crucial to understanding the gaps in your communication. Feedback can also help you measure customer satisfaction, so always ask customers to share their valued opinion on their experience.


How to request feedback
How to request a customer to fill the feedback survey

Chat scripts for sharing informational resources

sharing resources sharing resources


Even if the website visitor doesn't interact with you, or reach their expected solution, try to be helpful by offering relevant material that educates them. By sharing a blog or an E-book you keep the customer interested in your services. 


How to share a blog as additional information
How to offer an Ebook on a topic
How to share a video 
How to get website visitors to subscribe to the blog or a newsletter

Respond to customers with one click

If you find yourself using a handful of chat scripts more frequently than others, you can save yourself time by enabling canned responses. Canned messages are pre-saved messages that are handy for routine and repetitive interactions. For instance, at the end of every conversation, you will thank the customer for getting in touch with you. Instead of typing a thank you message or even pasting it from the chat script database, you can set up a key to send it with just a tap. 

Customer Service Suite canned responses feature enables you to set up messages that can be accessed with the “/”/ (backslash sign) + a short-code to pop up the response. It saves you valuable seconds that can be spent solving more complex problems for customers. Give this feature a try with our 14-day free trial.