May 2024

There are no updates for Freshchat for May. Please check back in June.

April 2024

No updates for April, please check back in May

March 2024

Enhancements to the CSAT survey

Add questions at any point in the CSAT flow using the survey builder.

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Connector Apps for Freshchat

Filter and select data to sync, control dataflow direction, and enjoy complete flexibility in syncing seamlessly with Freshdesk or Freshchat.

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Phone channels page update

Find 3 new telephony integrations on the phone channels page.

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February 2024

Empower support teams with Freddy Copilot

Unlock agent productivity, elevate response quality, and streamline admin responsibilities with the gen AI powered Freddy Copilot add-on

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Inbox actions

Agents can now assign unassigned conversations to themselves from the Team Inbox.

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Marketplace App
Freshchat-Playvox integration

Boost agent productivity and streamline your everyday support operations.

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Marketplace App
Integrate RingCentral with Freshchat

Manage your RingCentral telephony account from Freshchat.

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January 2024

Custom functions in the bot builder

Declare, define, and call custom functions from within the bot builder

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Contact 360 enhancements

New experience for contact 360 so agents easily get the details they need.

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Added inbox table view capabilities

Agents can now assign groups, other agents, and statuses in bulk to conversations from the inbox table view.

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Email enhancements for Freshchat

Improved email card layout and support for agent reply templates

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Marketplace App
Engage over TikTok Shop

Integrate TikTok Shop with Freshchat through a custom app.

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Channels interface enhancements

Smoother settings configuration for SMS, LINE, GBM, and Mobile SDK.

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New input types for Facebook bots

Add buttons, carousels, articles, and rich text to your FB chatbots.

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Advanced CSAT enhancements

Larger template selectors, more accessible configuration, and support for 30 questions per survey.

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Importing bot templates

Import templates into existing bots and easily incorporate new flows

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December 2023

MarketPlace App
Slack integration with Freshchat

Automatically sync conversations between Slack and CRM to unify sales, marketing, and support.

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MarketPlace App
Inbox table view

Review conversations and manage assignment, status, priority, and other properties for conversations

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MarketPlace App
New telephony integrations

Integrate Freshchat with your Five9, Amazon Connect, and Dialpad accounts

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Filter by mentions

View all the conversations where you are mentioned using @mention in one place

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Conversation properties

Organize conversations with a main category and up to three levels of sub-categories for enhanced classification

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Enhanced contact import

Import contacts easily with the new, improved and guided contact import flow

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Enhanced inbox views

Agents can create custom views based on conversation properties and date fields now.

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November 2023

Bot template for Klevu

New bot template so your customers can browse your product inventory from any channel.

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Freddy AI beta now for Pro and Enterprise

Freddy Copilot and Freddy Insights features are exclusively available to Pro and Enterprise customers.

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Email enhancements

Smoother agent experience when managing emails from customers.

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Channels interface enhancements

Configure settings for each support email ID with ease.

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Proactive experience

Proactively contact customers to address issues and share recommendations.

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October 2023

Conversations properties

Add conversational properties as triggers, conditions, and actions in advanced automations.

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Import APIs in the bot builder

Use cURL commands and Postman collections to import APIs into your bots.

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Inactivity timer is now on by default

Close pending conversations after a predefined time interval.

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WhatsApp catalog support

Showcase and sell products to your customers on WhatsApp.

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Channels UI enhancements

Configure settings for each WhatsApp number and Instagram page with ease.

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September 2023

Generative AI-based enhancements

Enhance support with post-resolution assessment, phone call summaries, and efficient email responses.

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Boost your start with bot templates

Leverage a bot template for identity verifications (powered by IDfy).

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Send out WhatsApp lists from Freshchat

Send messages with options for your customers to pick from.

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Engage with customers over Zalo

Integrate Zalo with Freshchat through a custom app.

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Day pass utilization report

Insights into how your team handles volume fluctuations to optimize your team's schedules.

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Display your privacy policy upfront

Display your privacy policy on the Freshchat widget before initiating a conversation.

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August 2023

Post resolution quality coach

Review post-resolution conversations for valuable improvement insights.

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Channel switcher

Reply to customers in the channel of your choice.

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Custom objects

Bring customer information to your inbox from your internal apps.

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Your bots now speak more languages

Support more customers in their own language.

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Easily access preview logs

Easily switch and view the bot activity logs while previewing a bot.

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Chatbot conversation mode

When customers reach out, your bot can now respond with flows or answers.

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July 2023

Skill-based routing

Assign conversations based on agent skills.

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Preventive validation for bot builder

Reduce the number of broken flows by checking bot features before deletion.

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Preview your bots for deployment

Preview your bots to make sure they work properly before deployment.

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Occasional agents

Add occasional agents to your account to manage seasonal spike in volume.

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Snooze conversations

Snooze conversations for later to keep your inbox clean.

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More input options for mobile chatbot

Chatbots deployed on mobile apps now support more input options.

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June 2023

Telephony Integrations in Freshchat

Integrate Freshchat with Aircall and Ozonetel to easily place and receive phone calls from within Freshchat.

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Marketplace App
Engage with Customers

Integrate Telegram, Viber, and Kakaotalk with Freshchat through a custom app and engage with customers seamlessly.

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Agent Inbox Enhancements

New enhanced accessibility, modularity, and workspace in the Freshchat inbox.

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Improved Intent Detection

Understand customer intents better to improve detection and coverage of customer questions.

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May 2023

Freddy AI in Freshchat

A series of new AI features for agents to boost productivity.

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Multi-step CSAT survey builder

Build and send multistep CSAT surveys on WhatsApp, Email and Instagram.

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April 2023

Telephony in Freshchat

Manage your preferred telephony app from within the Team Inbox of Freshchat effortlessly.

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Connecting Freshchat and Freshdesk

Connect your Freshchat and Freshdesk easily to view your Tasks and Tickets in Freshchat, import solution articles as FAQs, and sync your contacts.

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Task management in Freshchat

Agents can create tasks in Freshchat within a conversation, assign them to a teammate/internal agent on Freshdesk, and effortlessly collaborate to resolve customer issues.

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Threads in Freshchat

Organize and streamline conversations to have focused discussions on customer conversations.

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Quoted text in emails

Freshchat will display quoted text in emails to help agents get more context from the conversation.

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New Threading Logic

Set up a threading interval to determine if a new conversation should be created or continue on the same conversation.

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Conversation Properties

Agents can set measurable properties that can be used to analyze and optimize customer support operations.

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Contact management in the Team Inbox

Decide which contact fields need to be visible, associate contacts, identify duplicates, and merge them within the Inbox.

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Bot analytics enhancement

New and improved bot analytics with access to more key metrics. Build detailed custom reports and gather better insights from your bot conversations with Freshchat.

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Terminal Action Validation

Terminal actions validations are tooltips and cues to prevent users from creating conflicting bot flows or configuring improper assignments.

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Unified properties

Customer properties are synced across agent conversations and bot conversations to display all properties on the Contacts page.

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Managing groups and business hours

Configure group-specific chat & phone preferences and setup Holidays to make managing your team easier.

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Enhanced API library in the bot builder

Admins can test out multipart APIs and configure URL-encoded APIs) in the bot builder.

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Conversation Status

Use the new conversation statuses to enable agents to have more context at each stage of the conversation.

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March 2023

Freddy AI with GPT (Beta)

Agents will be able to use the enhanced Freddy AI powered by GPT within Freshchat to boost their productivity.

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Bot error dashboard

Identify, understand, and fix errors in each bot conversation with this dashboard.

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Group conversations by customer

Group conversations from the same customer into a single contact.

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Improved intent detection

Understand customers better with improvements to the NLP model in bots.

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Improved API configuration

Build better bot flows with info from the Headers in your API responses.

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New labels and views in inbox

Help agents prioritize conversations to manage workload.

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February 2023

Fallback for bot flows

Configure fallback flows for your bot to use if the bot encounters an error.

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User journey funnels

Analyze customer interactions with bots to reduce user drop-offs.

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January 2023

Post Agent Resolution

Collect in-depth customer feedback with a bot after the agent resolves a conversation.

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Answers performance analysis

Get actionable insights into your chatbot's answers and intents.

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December 2022

Response SLA

Set SLA targets for the first response and every response in Freshchat.

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Conversation Switch

Enable agents to view historical conversations of a contact across channels from the Freshchat inbox.

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Gupshup Integration

Engage with customers via SMS with the Freshchat and Gupshup integration.

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Improved conversations widget

A single widget where bots and agents work together to delight customers.

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Channel-specific bot builder

Tailor bots by choosing just the elements that are supported in a channel where the bot is to be deployed.

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End-to-end localization

Localize all aspects of your bot widget - like the title, subtitle, Answers feedback, quick actions, and more.

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Send notifications to multiple iOS apps

Freshchat now supports p8-key authentication for sending mobile push notifications to Apple devices.

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November 2022

Bot deflection report

Admins can measure the number of incoming conversations their bots deflect and optimize their overall effectiveness.

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Support emails in your inbox

To deliver on our promise of ‘any channel-one inbox’, we are now supporting emails in the chat inbox.

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August 2022

Freshchat Inbox revamp

Enhanced visuals and usability across the conversation listing pane, conversations pane, and the apps pane.

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All-new Report Builder in Analytics

Easier and frictionless way to build reports with fewer clicks and transitions.

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File attachment support in the bot

Attach files to your bot conversations to further explain your answers to customers.

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July 2022

Custom Agent Status

Enable agents to update their availability in real-time, and get complete visibility into how they spend their time daily.

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Article and Rating support

The Freshchat conversations widget now supports clickable articles and bot feedback messages configured through the bot builder.

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Instagram integration

Send and receive DMs, respond to story replies and comments, and deploy bots to delight customers.

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Answers Settings for Bots

Admins can configure the number of knowledge base articles the bot can recommend to customers.

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June 2022

Freshdesk Messaging is now Freshchat

'Freshchat' accurately conveys the power of conversational engagement across our portfolio so we reverted to the original product name, Freshchat!

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Unified Customer Record Integration

Equip agents with total customer contexts across Support, Sales, and Marketing use-cases through the power of a Unified Customer Record (UCR).

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Quick Actions

Enable customers to move around quickly in a bot conversation. The conversations widget now supports all formats of Quick Actions.

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May 2022

Freshchat Analytics

Analyze and augment your chat conversations to understand your support volume and teams' performances.

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April 2022


Bring in your SMS providers, import phone numbers, and start conversations instantly.

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Workforce management

Manage your workforce smartly, strike the right balance between your team and customers with injixo.

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Rich media support

Attach images and videos to your bot conversations to deliver engaging and impactful self-service experiences to your customers.

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Files & images support

Supports attachments on the conversations widget configured through the bot builder.

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11 new languages

Set up your bot in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Arabic, Vietnamese, Bahasa, Bangala, Malayalam, Punjabi, Kannada, & Urdu.

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Carousel support

Configure each item on the carousel and display rich media content to the customer on the conversations widget.

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March 2022

Embedded sign-up for WhatsApp

Seamlessly link your WhatsApp numbers to Freshchat and start sending messages to the end customers immediately

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Bring your own channel (BYOC)

The BYOC framework will help you choose your own channel and integrate it with Freshchat.

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Make labels mandatory, create categories and sub-categories for labels, and delete labels wherever needed.

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Session analytics

Learn how bot sessions are consumed on a daily basis, and how exactly you're charged for it.

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Global Small Talk

Small Talk is the bot's ability to engage end-users in casual conversations in 42 languages, it helps socialize your bot and improves recall rates.

February 2022

Industry based bot templates

Go bot-first in your support to handle FAQs, and save time for your customers who can now help themselves, as well as your agents.

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January 2022

OTP Authentication 

Configure bot flows to trigger OTPs to their customers’ email addresses or phone numbers and steer clear of identity thefts and access breaches.

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Interactive messages on WhatsApp

Bot flows that use carousels, buttons, lists, and articles will be optimized on WhatsApp automatically.

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December 2021

WhatsApp number portability

Retain your existing WhatsApp number while switching from your existing provider and use it with Freshworks.

Export bot reports

Get insights into your bot’s performance with readily available bot exports. 

Inactivity timer

Customize the duration post which your bot can either trigger a flow, transfer the chat to an agent, or even resolve the conversation.

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November 2021

Multilingual Answers

Set up questions, answers, and variants in over 40 languages in the bot builder and have your bots take over across the globe.

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October 2021

Google's Business Messages

Integrate with Google's Business Messages and bring all your conversations from Business Messages into Freshchat.

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Mobile SDK
Bots on the SDK

Enable self-service - through bots, on the SDK in such a way that both Answers and Flows can be triggered on your mobile apps natively.

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September 2021

Trusted URLs

Define just the required domains and URLs related to your business and have the bot load only on those specific pages.

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Milestones in the bot builder

Understand your customers' journey by marking nodes as milestones while building your bot flows and track its analytics.

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August 2021

Enhancements to WhatsApp

Configure buttons and allow your customers to respond with a simple text message on a click.

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July 2021

NER (Named entity recognition)

Bots can now detect and save useful info like names, emails, or numbers from your customers’ responses.

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Improved date picker

Customers can now choose from the range of dates you customize for your customer service.

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June 2021

Custom properties

Set custom properties picked up from your bot's conversation, store the relevant information to be referenced at any point in time.

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Small talk

Enable 'Small talk' so your bots can engage in friendlier and more human-like conversations with your customers.

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April 2021

New & improved bot builder

Building bots is now easier, more intuitive, and seamless to manage - be it a simple linear flow or an advanced multi-flow bot.

March 2021

Chat transcripts

Send your customers an email with the transcript of the conversation they've had with your business right from the conversations inbox.

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February 2021

Mobile SDK
KBase on the SDK

Knowledge Base is now supported in both React Native and iOS SDKs in Freshdesk Omnichannel instances

October 2020

Mobile SDK
Live translate on the SDK

Enable Live-Translate on the Mobile SDK and converse with customers in more than 100 languages in real-time.

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September 2020

Custom raw reports

Download customized raw reports and track key metrics and your support SLAs with Extract APIs.

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September 29, 2020 New Feature
Extract API

Download customized raw reports, track key metrics and your support SLAs with Extract API

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September 24, 2020 Feature Update
Freshchat-Freshsales Integration

Now automated lead creation on Freshsales is possible with user's email ID and phone number.

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August 2020

August 11, 2020 New Feature
WCAG Compliance

Freshchat Team Inbox is now compliant with the Web Content Activities Guideline(WCAG)

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August 13, 2020 New Feature
Trusted IP

Secure your Freshchat account by limiting access to the IPs you trust. Now available in your Freshchat settings.

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August 25, 2020 New Feature
Chat Transcript

Email your customers a copy of the conversation they had with your business from Team Inbox.

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August 25, 2020 Feature Update
Automate ticket creation

Now you can convert chats into tickets using Advanced Automations app

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June 2020

June 02, 2020 New Feature

Personalize your conversations with Placeholders, improve your customer engagement

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June 04, 2020 New Feature
LINE Integration

Integrate LINE Messenger with your Freshchat account, take support to customers finger tips

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June 12, 2020 Feature Update
Multilingual Custom Flows

You can now create bot flows in 35 different languages. 

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June 12, 2020 New Feature
Meetings on Mobile 

Book meetings from your mobile app - iOS, Android and React Native SDK

June 17, 2020 Feature Update
Advanced Automations(Placeholders)

Advanced Automations now supports a unique set of placeholders

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May 2020

May 04, 2020 Feature Update
Roles and Permissions(Topics)

Now you can provide/restrict to Topics at a granular level.

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May 12, 2020 New Feature
Carousels(iOS, Android & React Native SDK)

Share a catalog of options instead of the regular reply text box on your mobile SDK with Carousels.

May 19, 2020 New Feature
Messenger Visibility

Make your Freshchat messenger to stay visible, hidden or only visible within your working hours.

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May 20, 2020 Feature Update
Auto-Resolve by Groups

Now you can auto-resolve conversations assigned to specific Groups.

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May 21, 2020 New Feature
Keyboard Shortcuts

Carry out common actions with speed and save time using Keyboard Shortcuts. 

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May 29, 2020 Feature Update
IntelliAssign - Round-robin

IntelliAssign now supports a new logic of assignment - round-robin

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April 2020

April 14, 2020 Feature Update
Freddy Answer Bot

Now you can toggle Freddy Answer Bot on/off on specific Topics.

April 23, 2020 New Feature
Advanced Automations(Marketplace)

Automate your daily chat workflows, save time for you Agents, and help them focus more on tasks that matter. 

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April 24, 2020 Feature Update
Freddy Custom Bot

i. Clone an existing Custom Bot flow to create a new bot flow; ii. Use custom user properties as placeholders in the bot flow

April 24, 2020 New Feature
Drop-down(iOS & Android SDK)

Add rop-downs as a response type instead of the regular reply text box.

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April 30, 2020 Feature Update
Features Renamed

We've renamed a bunch of features to make it easier for you to understand its capabilities. 

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March 2020

March 03, 2020 Feature Update

Now you can add Topics and FAQs in Hebrew language.

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March 13, 2020 Feature Update
WhatsApp Proactive Messages

Improve CX by sending images and attachments with your proactive messages on WhatsApp.

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March 13, 2020 Feature Update
Freshdesk Integration

Now you can restrict sending CSAT survey to customers whose chats are converted into Freshdesk.

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March 17, 2020 Feature Update
Team Members (Seat count)

Keep a tab on the list of available/remaining seats in your Team Member settings.

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March 27, 2020 New Feature

Include Drop-downs as a response type instead or share a catalogue of options with Carousels. 

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February 2020

February 20, 2020 Feature Update
Bots + Meetings

Automate demo requests and schedule meetings proactively with Google Calendar + Freddy Custom Bot.

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February 26, 2020 Feature Update
Team Member(Bulk Edit)

Now you can add/edit Team Members in bulk and create custom filters to group team members.

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February 27, 2020 Feature Update
Siri Shortcuts(iOS App)

We have added two new Siri shortcuts - i) check your IntelliAssign status,  ii) get the count of chats pending in your queue.

February 27, 2020 New Feature
Smart Reminders(iOS App)

Now you can set reminders for individual messages in a conversation and for IntelliAssign on Freshchat's iOS app.

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January 2020

January 06, 2020 New Feature
Live Translate

Translate messages exchanged between customers and agents in real-time.

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January 09, 2020 New Feature

Stop scheduling and start closing! Book meetings 24x7 for your business right from Freshchat. 

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January 22, 2020 New Feature
User Events (Mobile SDK)

Now you can track user actions on your mobile app (iOS & Android SDK) with Freshchat's Events Timeline. 

January 30, 2020 Feature Update
New Messenger

We've given the Freshchat Messenger a brand new look and feel.

December 2019

December 11, 2019 New Feature
Bots 2.0

Crush your customer lifecycle goals with chatbots for marketing, sales and support.

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December 17, 2019 New Feature
Roles and Permissions (Mobile)

Now Roles and Permissions feature is supported on Freshchat app for iOS and Android.

December 17, 2019 Feature Update

Malay(ML) language is now supported in Freshchat, as part of Freshchat's Multilingual feature.

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December 19, 2019 New Feature
Siri Shortcuts Support(iOS app)

Ask Siri to change your IntelliAssign status or check conversations count on Freshchat iOS app.

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November 2019

November 07, 2019 New Feature
Personalized Login(iOS & Android)

Now you can login to your Freshchat mobile app with your personalized subdomain, if your account has been migrated.

November 12, 2019 New Feature
FAQ Search Update

You can now search FAQs displayed using tags on iOS, Android and React Native SDK.

November 14, 2019 Feature Update
Notifications Upgrade

Now you can pick a notification sound of your choice. We've also added a in-app notifications shortcut.

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November 27, 2019 Feature Update
Roles and Permissions(Update)

You can now define access permissions for Canned Responses in Roles and Permissions.

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October 2019

October 04, 2019 Feature Update
Freshdesk Integration

Now you can set permissions to ticket fields to team members and sync previously imported solution articles.

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October 11, 2019 Feature Update
Team Member skills

Now you can assign/edit team member skill levels, that you create in IntelliAssign, from Team Member settings page.

October 12, 2019 Feature Update
Search Canned Responses - Android

You can now search for Canned Responses on your Freshchat Android app.

October 18, 2019 Feature Update
Conversations Overview Report

Helpdesk report is now conversations overview report - track customer's wait time and overall interaction time.

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October 24, 2019 Feature Update
Campaigns Upgrade

Now you can engage visitors and customers with more than just text - use images, gifs, and videos in your campaigns!

September 2019

September 11, 2019 Feature Update
iOS App - Search feature

Now you can search FAQs, Canned Responses, Labels, and files in your Quick Access folder on Freshchat's iOS mobile app.

September 17, 2019 New Feature
Marketplace/App Store

Connect Freshchat with the tools you use to run your business or build your own custom apps.

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September 26, 2019 New Feature
iOS and Android - Quick Reply

Now get proactive reply suggestions on your Freshchat iOS and Android apps. Just update your SDK to start using this feature.

September 30, 2019 New Feature
WhatsApp - Proactive Messaging

We now support proactive messaging with WhatsApp. Ping us  for more details.

September 30, 2019 New Feature
Team Availability Report

Track your team's presence and activity on Freshchat with Team Availability Report.

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August 2019

August 14, 2019 Feature Update
Mobile SDK - Track user actions

Now you can track user actions inside iOS and Android mobile SDK(outbound events) in Freshchat.

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New Feature
New Data Centers

Apart from Europe(EU) and United States(US), we now support data centres in Australia(AU) and India(IN).

August 21, 2019 New Feature
Auto Resolve

Improve your team’s productivity by auto-resolving conversations with users who have stopped interacting. 

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August 22, 2019 Feature Update
Brand new People's page

We have revamped our people's page to match the conventional look and feel of the product. You can check it out in your Freshchat account.

July 2019

July 10, 2019 New Feature
iOS app - Send files from Files 

Now you can send attachments from your Files app on the Freshchat app for iOS. 

July 12, 2019 New Feature
Offline Experience

Keep customers informed when you are offline. Manage offline chats separately or convert them into tickets.

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July 26, 2019 New Feature
Dashboard and Report APIs

We have now made the Dashboard and Report APIs public.

June 2019

June 06, 2019 New Feature
Group Notifications

Now you can notify all team members in a group on chat assignment to that group.

June 07, 2019 Feature Update
Roles and Permissions

Decide who gets to access Dasboard and Reports with Roles and Permissions. Restrict acess based on roles.

June 17, 2019 Feature Update
Languages (Team Member Interface)

Localize Freshchat UI with three new languages - Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

June 20, 2019 New Feature
iOS and Android App - Multi-account login

Switch between your different Freshchat accounts on iOS or Android Agent App without logging out.

June 25, 2019 New Feature
iOS App - Search conversations

You can now search for conversations in Freshchat's iOS agent app.

June 25, 2019 New Feature
API Tokens

Generate API tokens right from your Freshchat account to access Freshchat APIs.

June 26, 2019 Feature Update

Now you can add Japanese as a language and have Message Channels and FAQs in Japanese.

June 26, 2019 Feature Update
Languages (Messenger UI)

You can now customize the Freshchat Messenger UI in 20 different languages.

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May 2019

May 08, 2019 New Feature
Preferred Domain

Claim your preferred domain name by logging in to your Freshchat account as Admin.

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May 06, 2019 New Feature
User Export

Export Freshchat contacts as a csv file to your email address

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May 21, 2019 New Feature
Email Campaigns

Nurture prospects, onboard new users, upsell to customers, and re-engage users with a series of emails.

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April 2019

New Feature
Conversation APIs (Enterprise plan)

Now you can extend Freshchat's core workflows with Conversation APIs.

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New Feature
Roles and Permissions (Beta - Enterprise Plan)

Provide or restrict access to team members for each component in Freshchat at a granular level.

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April 29, 2019 Feature Update
IntelliAssign - Android

Set yourself active/inactive on IntelliAssign on Freshchat Android app by switching a toggle.

March 2019

March 28, 2019 New Feature
Apple Business Chat Integration

Support customers on the go through iMessage across your Apple devices with Business chat integration.

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March 22, 2019 Feature Update
Android App updates

Our Android App now supports Freshdesk and Freshsales integration, and preferred UI language settings.

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March 20, 2019 Feature Update
iOS App - Localize UI language

Pick a preffered UI language, set a custom notification tone and email/call customers with a single tap on iOS App.

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March 11, 2019 Feature Update
Rearrange User Properties

Now, you can rearrange the different widgets in the user properties section of Freshchat Inbox. 

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February 2019

February 15, 2019 FEATURE UPDATE
Freshsales Integration for iOS

Pull context on existing leads and contact inside the iOS app. Convert new visitors on chat into leads on Freshsales. 

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February 18, 2019 NEW FEATURE
Languages (Team Member Interface)

Localize Freshchat UI— from team inbox to dashboard and everything-else-in-between in 13 languages.

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February 18, 2019 FEATURE UPDATE
UI Updates

Hit reply on conversations and resolve conversations with nifty icons that replaces ol’ text.

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February 20, 2019 Feature Update
Wait Time (Dashboard)

Measure your customer's overall wait time with the new dashboard metric.

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February 21, 2019 Feature Update
Average and 90th Percentile (Reports)

Evaluate your team and helpdesk performance better with Average and 90th percentile values.

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January 2019

January 01, 2019 New Feature
Add-on for custom views

Freshchat supports 500 custom views by default. Now you can add more for free in increments of 100 by writing to the support team.

January 01, 2019 Feature Update
Crop picture ability

Now you can crop Profile Picture, image in Account Settings, Message Channel image and Bot image.

January 09, 2019 Feature Update
Mobile SDK updates

Now you can onfigure away message and custom response expectations on iOS and Android SDK. You can also completely hide it via configuration flag.

January 09, 2019 Feature Update
iOS Agent App - Quick Access

You can now save and share files from your Quick Access repository on iOS Agent app.

December 2018

December 06, 2018 Feature Update
Improved Canned Response - iOS

Freschat now supports the improved Canned Response feature in iOS app.

December 12, 2018 Feature Update
Freshservice - Agent Widget

 You can now convert a conversation into a Freshservice ticket from the Agent Widget.

December 10, 2018 New Feature
Improved Canned Response - Android

Freshcat now supports Canned Response feature in Android app.

December 19, 2018 Feature Update
Reduced widget size

Freshchat widget size is now reduced to 553KB. Previously it was 778.6KB. This improves widget load time

December 19, 2018 New Feature
Preferred Language Settings

You can now setup your preferred language in Profile settings. Freshchat currently supports English and Portuguese(Brazilian).

December 29, 2018 New Feature
Freshdesk Integration - iOS 

 You can now convert conversations into Freshdesk tickets on iOS app.    

November 2018

November 11, 2018 Feature Update
Facebook Integration

Integrating your Facebook page with Freshchat is now easier than ever. The  integration process is now simplified to a mere few steps. 

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November 26, 2018 Feature Update
Multiple Business Hours

Set up different working hours for your teams for each day of the week by mapping Business Hours to Groups.

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November 30, 2018 Feature Update
Improved Canned Responses

You can categorize Canned Responses, share with the team or create a private category of Canned Responses. 

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October 2018

October 08, 2018 Feature Update
File Attachments - Quick Access

The size of each file that can be uploaded to the Quick Access folder has been increased to 35MB per file.

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October 11, 2018 Feature Update
Unread message count in numbers

Freshchat widget will now display the number of unread messages instead of just a red dot.

October 22, 2018 New Feature
WhatsApp Integration

Send updates and responses to customers directly on WhatsApp. Manage all your conversations from Freshchat.

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October 24, 2018 Feature Update
Improved widget load time

Freshchat widget size has been reduced by 112KB, a 12.5% decrease and currently stands at 778.6KB. This enables the widget to load faster.

September 2018

September 18, 2018 New Feature

Give demos, onboard new users, and resolve issues better with screensharing and audio chat.

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August 2018

August 07, 2018 NEW FEATURE
Multi-account Login for Mobile

Switch between multiple Freshchat accounts and inboxes on your mobile now.

August 15, 2018 New Feature
OmniChat - Chrome extension

Carry the Freshchat messenger to any chrome webpage and support your customers on the go.

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July 2018

July 30, 2018 New Feature
IP Blocking

Block or unblock users from a particular IP address

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July 26, 2018 Feature Update
Enhanced Widget Customisation

Now you can choose between two different Freshchat widget sizes.

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July 10, 2018 Feature Update
GIF support in attachments

Send and receive GIFs as attachments in conversations.

June 2018

June 26, 2018 New Feature
File attachments and Quick Access

Make conversations more contextual. Send and receive files across several extensions. Create a repository of files on Freshchat and share them with ease.

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June 26, 2018 Feature Update
Disable Triggered Messages

Disable Triggered Messages outside your Business Hours.

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June 25, 2018 Feature Update
Freshchat - Freshdesk Enhanced Integration

Auto populate Freshdesk ticket fields when converting a Freshchat conversation into ticket with the enhanced integration.

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June 13, 2018 Feature Update
Bot Customization

Bot conversation flow now has customizable negative validation messages.

June 07, 2018 Feature Update
Cancel In-App Campaigns

Cancel In-App Campaigns that you’ve scheduled for later.

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May 2018

May 24, 2018 New Feature
GDPR Compliance

Learn what new features have been introduced to keep your data safe and our updated ToS and Privacy Policy.

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May 21, 2018 New Feature
Freshworks Switcher

Seamlessly switch between your Freshworks accounts with just a single click.

May 15, 2018 SmartPlugs Library
Calendly SmartPlug

Schedule demos and meetings with prospects right within the Freshchat Inbox.

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May 09, 2018 Feature Update
CSAT Expiry

Hide the CSAT survey if it has not been rated within ‘x’ hours or if the conversation is resolved after ‘x’ hours of last message from the user.

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May 02, 2018 Feature Update
Label Reports Export

Dig deeper into your labels performance by exporting the report into CSVs.

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April 2018

April 25, 2018 Feature Update
Messenger Fonts

Bring your web messenger another step closer to your brand identity with custom fonts.

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April 23, 2018 New Feature
Multi-account Login

Switch between multiple Freshchat accounts and inboxes with one single click.

April 11, 2018 New Feature
Labels Report

Keep track of conversations by their label name and volume. Use this data to identify focus areas, allocate resources, and more.

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March 2018

March 30, 2018 Feature Update
Messenger Updates

Up your multilingual game by supporting right-to-left language scripts on the web messenger.

March 28, 2018 Feature Update
Campaign Settings

Set up configurable minutes to avoid triggering a message when your visitors and customers are in the middle of a conversation.

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March 20, 2018 New Feature
Freshservice Integration V1

Convert conversations into tickets on Freshservice. Any response made on the ticket will be sent as a reply on Freshchat.

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March 14, 2018 Feature Update
iOS App Updates

Team members on the iOS app can now send canned responses and deep link FAQ articles.

February 2018

February 28, 2018 SmartPlugs Library
SmartPlugs Library

Bring all the context from Freshdesk Tickets, WooCommerce, and Hubspot CRM inside your team inbox.

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February 15, 2018 New feature
Freshdesk Integration

Convert conversations into tickets on Freshdesk and transport Freshdesk FAQs into categories inside Freshchat.

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February 15, 2018 Feature Update
Widget Customization

Override default text on the messenger - response time, welcome message, and more with your preferred language.

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February 15, 2018 Feature Update
Multilingual Support

Verify configuration, browser, and system settings by default to display the messenger text in the right language.

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February 13, 2018 Feature Update
UTM Parameters

Track visitors having conversations with you based on the source and medium they come from.

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February 02, 2018 Feature Update
Response Time Expectation

Set the right expectations by choosing between the 90th percentile of response time and first response time.

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February 02, 2018 Feature Update
Real-time Dashboard

Measure speed of response with average, 90th percentile, and median values and filter performance across multiple groups.

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January 2018

January 29, 2018 Feature Update
Inbox Enhancement

Keep your unfinished response and flow of thought intact. Switch conversations with ease.

January 12, 2018 Feature Update
Reply-to Settings

Add custom email addresses and route replies made on email notifications to that address.

January 05, 2018 New Feature
Shopify Integration

Install Freshchat on your Shopify store to reduce cart abandonment and support shoppers in real-time.

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January 04, 2018 Feature Update
Mobile Updates

Support right-to-left language scripts in Android and iOS mobile SDKs.

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January 02, 2018 Feature Update
Bot Customizations

Your bot can now have its own avatar, ask custom questions, and identify negative intent.

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December 2017

December 14, 2017 New Feature

Measure team productivity, conversation trends, CSAT ratings, and download reports for later access.

November 2017

November 03, 2017 New Feature
Real-time Dashboard

Get a visual summary in real-time. Measure conversation trends, team member load, and make strides on-the-go.

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November 07, 2017 New Feature
Multilingual Topics

Always speak the resident language. Categorize conversations into channel names in 33+ languages now.

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November 16, 2017 Feature Update
Conversations Restore

Restore conversations across devices, platforms, and sessions for a continuous messaging experience.

October 2017

October 13, 2017 New Feature
Wordpress Integration

Use Freshchat on your Wordpress site to engage with visitors and drive them to take an action.

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September 2017

September 18, 2017 New Feature
Multilingual FAQs

Extend FAQ support in multiple languages, Give your team members the ability to create FAQs in 33+ languages.

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September 18, 2017 Feature Update
Site IDs

Give a unique ID to each widget code you integrate, and separate conversations and users across sites.

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September 22, 2017 Feature Update
Freshsales Integration

Start proactive conversations with prospects from right inside the CRM. Target, qualify, and convert.

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