3 shifts in retail and e-commerce today that are changing how customer
engagement happens

Offline buying is reimagined with mobile payments, contactless checkouts, and curbside pick ups

Mobile and social are the new digital commerce places — ranking high on both mind and screen share

Brands lack the combined context from the world of offline, web, social, and mobile leading to sub optimal customer experiences

Meet the 3 retail shifts with Freshchat’s conversational commerce solution

Contactless Retail


  • Make it easy for first time digital shoppers buy from places they prefer like their WhatsApp inbox
  • Enable “online shopping and offline pickup” with catalogs, payments, and store appointments on chat
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Convenient E-commerce

For revenue and customer service teams

  • Increase response rate by 50% with “Chat with Us” call-to-actions on website, phone IVR, or social media
  • Automate repetitive transactions on products, delivery, and pricing with chatbots
  • Increase conversions by targeting shoppers proactively based on abandoned items on the cart
bots ivr rethink retail bots ivr rethink retail

Contextual Commerce

For all teams 

  • Keep your team stress free with messages from email, web/mobile chat, call, WhatsApp, or Facebook in one place
  • Give your team context with a customer timeline across store walk ins, online cart, WhatsApp chat, and more
rethink retail mofu rethink retail mofu