Trusted by 60,000++ businesses

Why do companies choose Freshchat?

Get a unified view of all your customer data in one place

Today’s customers expect that businesses know and remember who they are and understand in great depth what they want based on their previous interactions across all channels. Freshchat is equipped with a Unified Customer Record (UCR) that presents a 360-degree view of customers in one place. With UCR, businesses can: 

  • Access all user data from different sources in one place - in real-time and at scale

  • Create unified user profiles from CRM data, website activity and even 3rd party data sources

  • Enable teams to create and manage detailed segments to help them provide personalized & proactive customer engagement





Unified customer record Unified customer record

Future-proof your customer service with AI and ML chatbots

Freshchat offers AI & ML enabled chatbots that detect customer intent, learn from different data sets and automatically hand over to an agent whenever required without breaking the chat flow. With Freshchat’s chatbots, businesses can:

  • Provide instant resolutions through intelligent self-service automation 

  • Reduce support staffing costs by front-lining your bots to take care of most of your customers’ repetitive questions.

  • Deliver contextual agent hand-off by understanding customer intent

  • Provide intelligent support to your agents and equip them with the right data to improve efficiency and productivity




Reach customers on popular messaging channels and manage all conversations from one inbox

Reach your customers on the channels they prefer by engaging with them on the most popular messaging channels, including WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, Google Business Messages, Facebook Messenger and LINE. 

Freshchat offers a unified inbox equipped with advanced automation and routing tools to help agents easily manage conversations from messaging channels, email, call, and chat.

Switch to Freshchat

Superior integration


Freshchat offers native integration with help desk software, marketing, and sales automation software and a host of other products within the Freshworks suite of business software. You will also have access to a marketplace with more than 1000 apps to help you integrate your existing tools or take your engagement to the next level. 

Transparent pricing, no hidden costs 

Freshchat is a feature-rich business chat tool armed with AI-powered bots and powerful integrations, available in multiple pricing tiers, serving the needs of businesses of all sizes. We offer transparent and customized pricing plans with no hidden costs. So, no matter your budget, you have access to the most modern products available.

Faster implementation and 24x7 support

Freshchat offers 30 hours of free consultation to help you implement Freshchat in a way that suits your needs. Freshchat offers 24x7 support. You can reach out to us with any issue, and someone from our support team will be with you right away.

You deserve better than average

The people have spoken

G2 Crowd’s data, generated based on user reviews, data gathered from online sources and social media, shows that Zendesk Chat struggles to even reach the live chat average whereas Freshchat scored exceptionally well.

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Freshchat vs. Zendesk Chat

freshchat logo new
zendesk chat
Paid Plans

Starts at $18/month per agent

Starts at $59/month per agent

Free trial

Yes, 14 days

Yes, 15 days

Free for life plan

Available out of the box

Requires you to buy an app from marketplace


Natively available

External app is required

Native chatbot options

AI and ML chatbots 

Basic answer chatbots available natively

Chatbot builder Visual chatbot builder available on all paid plans Can be built only via API, and requires developer support
Free chatbot sessions
Chatbots on messaging channel

Yes, natively available on all paid plans and doesn’t require coding effort

Yes.  Can be done via API but requires you to purchase add-on features

WhatsApp Integration
Google Business Messages Integration
Instagram Integration
SMS integration

Yes, you pay extra for the add-on

Premium support

Included with all paid plans

Available as an add-on

We ranked #1 in Gartner peer insights review

Freshworks received more reviews (than Zendesk) from people that worked at bigger companies. Freshworks got reviews from 72 companies, of which 15 are valued at more than 10 billion and Zendesk only got 48.

gartner gartner

Do more with Freshchat

Intuitive Web Widget

Freshchat offers a fully customizable web widget that enables you to add FAQs, live chat, and chatbots, all at one place to help your website visitors find the right answers to their queries in real-time.

Personalize proactive messaging

Freshchat’s campaigns offer hyper-targeted segmentation and let you reach out to customers and prospects before they reach you. These campaigns are designed to be highly contextual and personalized. 

Intelligent conversation assignment 

Freshchat offers skill-based assignment which makes it easy to assign chats automatically to agents based on their skill sets. It also offers the ability to configure group-level assignment & escalation settings to manage customer conversations better. 

Real-time analytics

Freshchat offers powerful reporting tool that lets you spend less time building reports and more time operationalizing results. Get instant and accurate insights about your agent productivity and improve overall efficiency of your team.


Collaborate with multiple teams and external vendors to resolve evolving customer issues as your business grows. Freshchat scales as your business grows- support bots, integrates with multiple messaging channels and products with just a few clicks.

Frequently Asked Questions