Easing the agent load with generative AI

Freshworks’ Sandie Overtveld on how gen AI can help businesses enhance customer experience

Shivani Ramakrishnan

Shivani RamakrishnanThe Works contributor

May 10, 20241 MIN READ

With businesses rapidly embracing generative AI, the applications of the technology are widening in scope and impact. In an article on Dynamic Business, several industry leaders—including Sandie Overtveld, senior VP for APJ and MEA at Freshworks—weighed in on the use cases of generative AI in the workspace. 

“With AI becoming smarter, it can now understand customers’ tone and mood and react accordingly, liberating agents of mundane and repetitive queries. And when there are more nuanced or complex customer service inquiries, AI can also triage these issues accurately and quickly to the right agents to handle these queries,” Overtveld said. 

He added that tapping into gen AI tools such as Freshworks’ Freddy AI can enable customer experience professionals to get to the heart of a customer issue effectively and drive greater satisfaction through personalization.

Read the full article on Dynamic Business here.


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