Freshworks CIO in Forbes: Benchmarking AI performance

Prasad Ramakrishnan on unlocking ROI for AI

Shivani Ramakrishnan

Shivani RamakrishnanThe Works contributor

May 16, 20241 MIN READ

Nearly 73% of companies are currently deploying AI, yet they might not be realizing the full value of their investments. 

“Simply deploying AI solutions without understanding their impact on business outcomes is insufficient,” writes Prasad Ramakrishnan in a Forbes Tech Council paid post.

While acknowledging that there will be challenges, Ramakrishnan charts a path to meaningful ROAI—or return on AI—with a five-step plan. 

When prioritizing outcomes such as increased productivity and cost savings, he urges alignment with overarching business objectives. He underscores the value of bringing employees into the decision-making process, highlighting that if they don’t like the new AI tools, they are unlikely to use them effectively. Lastly, he suggests companies take the long view when evaluating the effectiveness of their AI deployments and consider the total cost of ownership, including how AI might allow them to streamline their tech stack. 

Read the full article here.


Insights on the impact and ROI of AI