Meet our new customer advocacy program: Your voice, our strength

Freshworks Insiders provides customers a platform to celebrate success and inspire others

Rhea DeSouza

Rhea DeSouzaCustomer Marketing Specialist

Jul 11, 20241 MINS READ

We’re thrilled to announce our latest initiative, Freshworks Insiders, to celebrate and empower our valued customers

Why Freshworks Insiders?

Relationships matter, and we recognize the importance of building a strong connection with our customers. We want to go beyond exceptional products and services to foster community and create a space where your voices are heard, stories are shared, and impact is felt. 

Key features

1. Amplifying your voice through your stories: We understand every customer has a unique story. Freshworks Insiders provides a platform for you to share your experiences and insights. Whether it's written testimonials, video interviews, or featured blogs, we want your voice to resonate throughout our community and beyond.

2. Recognition and rewards: We believe in giving credit where it's due. You can earn badges and special recognition in our community, and qualify for exclusive rewards and incentives for your participation. 

3. Opportunities for personal and professional growth: Gain visibility by sharing your expertise through guest blog posts, webinars, or speaking opportunities. Showcase your skills and experiences, and let your journey inspire others.

How to join

Participating in the customer advocacy program is simple. Visit the Insiders website, sign up, and start engaging. Whether you're a longtime customer or new to the Freshworks family, we welcome everyone to join this exciting venture.

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