Freshworks delivers a ‘Texas-sized solution’ for IT at Texas A&M

How a modern ITSM platform revamped transportation and logistics for 50,000 students, faculty, and visitors

Shivani Ramakrishnan

Shivani RamakrishnanThe Works contributor

Feb 28, 20241 MIN READ

“A Texas-sized operation requires a Texas-sized solution.”

That’s how James Williams, head of transportation services at Texas A&M University, describes the core challenge of his job: running the technology systems that help get more than 50,000 students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors where they need to be every day.

Especially Saturdays.  

Every fall weekend, Williams and his IT team pull off a massive orchestration effort to get more than 100,000 raving Aggie fans and visitors into and out of Kyle Field—home of Texas A&M football—without a hiccup.

“When game day comes around here, everything from parking and visitors to bus systems and camera footage is handled by us from the operation center here,” says Williams. “We’ve got our finger on the pulse of everything that’s happening.”

None of that would be possible without the nerve center of Williams’ logistics operation: the Freshworks-powered IT services platform that handles everything from IT tickets and transit queries to game-day transportation requests. (Check out the whole backstory on Texas A&M’s digital transformation journey with Freshworks.)

Since adopting Freshworks in 2020, Williams says the new system has boosted the efficiency, coordination, and productivity of Texas A&M’s IT department. That’s a major upgrade over the clunky legacy system that preceded it, which couldn’t handle the ticket volume.  

“The old tool was basically an email consolidation platform with zero tracking. We constantly had issues with email chains going in circles with no resolution,” Williams recalls.

Want more details about Freshworks partnership with Texas A&M? Check out the full case study here.


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