While all of us know how challenging a sales job is, what we don’t know is that there are simple yet effective ways around these challenges. Employing these strategies sets apart a great sales team from an ordinary one.

92% of all sales conversations happen over the phone, according to The Brevet Group’s sales strategy study.

Knowing this, imagine how a well-structured business phone solution can help your sales team. When we say phone solution, it’s not just about being able to make and receive calls (what every other sales team does), but looking beyond and leveraging the benefits of a perfectly knit phone solution with your CRM. This automated flow of data, conversations, and the nitty gritty reminders for follow-up between your phone solution and CRM allow your team of sales reps to focus more on selling than organising their data between multiple tools. And, when your call center software and CRM are from different companies, you'll have issues such as visibility, data loss and, most importantly, the pain of toggling between multiple products.

freshsales integration

With all these challenges to solve, getting onboard with an integrated solution is a great deal for a sales team’s supervisor. By making use of a highly supportive CRM-call center software integration, a lot of manual data mapping and scheduling can be streamlined and automated. This way, as a supervisor, you can look into the problems that need human intervention rather than solving for time consuming, ad hoc tasks.

So what are these challenges and how does the Freshdesk Contact Center-Freshsales integration solve them?

Challenge: Identifying a potential customer from a cold lead based on your call conversations.

Not every prospect that you try to get in touch with responds to you positively. So the ones who do are the best bet you have in bringing in sales. And if the prospect takes your call, they are a hot deal and you need to act fast to make it count.


Solution:With this integration, when a prospect tries to reach out to you, and if you aren’t available, you can give them the option of leaving a voicemail. Also, based on your phone conversation, make sure you move the prospect up or down your sales pipeline (prospect to lead, lead to contact, contact to deal etc.) as needed. This way you get to easily qualify a prospect based on number of calls and response rate as inputs to the lead scoring rules in Freshsales. This integration clearly lets you identify the prospects on whom you need to spend quality time.

Challenge: Being able to access the call conversations of a prospect when needed

In sales, a day at work involves having to get in touch with multiple prospects and repeated follow ups with a number of interested ones.

“It takes 18 or more dials to connect with a prospect over the phone and call-back rates are below 1%,” as per TOPO’s Sales Development Technology Report.

There might be a number of instances when one sales rep might have to fill in for another who is busy with a call. The real challenge comes in when a new rep tries to make sense of what has been going on with respect to a given prospect from their previous conversations before getting on a call.


Solution: This integration helps bridge the information gap and allows the new rep get access to an organized list of all Recent Calls and Recent Activitiesof a prospect in a single screen. This allows every rep to go prepared to a call with enough context and access all relevant information with respect to a prospect in no time. Also, every call made is logged in Freshdesk Contact Center automatically with all relevant information like call notes and recordings, alongside the context of the status of the lead, their email conversations, industry, team size, etc.

Challenge: Knowing what works and what doesn’t—selling better with feedback from call metrics

The fast-paced nature of a sales job seldom gives a salesperson the luxury to stop, reflect, and make amends based on the past selling trends. As much as executing the general routine sales tasks helps you get past your week decently, in order to be that extraordinary sales team that has a upward selling curve, tweaking your strategy based on feedback is essential.


Solution: With the Freshdesk Contact Center-Freshsales integration you can keep track of all your strengths and bottlenecks with the call activity reports. These reports give you a clear picture on call metrics like handle time, hold time, number of calls per day, most promising day of the week and so on.

“Thursday is the best day to prospect. Wednesday is the second best day.” according to a Forrester report on sales trends analysis.

If you wish to know more about all the capabilities of this integration, check them out on our phone and CRM integration page. Also, for those of you who need a session to discuss and get a personalised demo of this integration, drop us an email at: support@freshcaller.com.